How To Find Your Tribe And Improve Your Performance

The Jo and Sophia family tribe

Tribes can move mountains of any size

For thousands of years, mankind has lived in communities. Across the world from every continent, people have lived together in groups, big or small sharing commonalities, loyalty and security. We share values and beliefs about ourselves and the rest of our society. We support each other within these tribes, we work together and play together. We express our compassion for each other and encourage our sense of belonging. 

Being a part of our tribe, wherever in the world,  is a part of who we are. Our tribes give us strength, determination, insights, ideas and the will to move forward. With a tribe, you can move mountains.

You can find examples of tribes just about anywhere – in music, film, fashion, education, religion, politics, culture, even hobbies and pastimes can cultivate their own tribes. In a world where we often feel disconnected, isolated and lost, having that sense of belonging to a community can energise us and make us feel positive again. 

So, there is a lot to be said for the importance of finding your clan. On a practical level, we work better, we learn faster, we develop our own understanding of ourselves as individuals, and at the same time, we can live healthier lives, be happier and even live longer. 

Learned.Live as a tribal community

More often than not, we identify ourselves by the job we do. When someone describes themselves, it’s usually by their job title. We become part of a tribe through our workplace and businesses often talk about the culture of their teams and their roles. At Learned.Live we believe that a strong community of team members, teachers and students creates an equally strong working and learning environment for everyone. 


Your vibe attracts your tribe…

As humans we move within a number of tribes; tribes of friends, family and tribes where we show an interest with others, like sports or education. It is through these activities that we nurture positivity but the best tribes are when we just click with others. We like to feel we belong somewhere, where we are accepted for who we are and how important we are to others within that community. 

Tribal stages

In his TED video on tribal leadership, David Logan talks about the importance of finding your tribe and one of these reasons is that, as he says, not only does work get done with that tribe but societies are built, knowledge is exchanged and prolific learning can occur. 

Speak your truth to find your tribe…

  1. Be yourself and be genuine with the people you meet. Be open to learning about them and understanding them. This will attract like minded people to you and encourage them to be the same towards you. Your relationships will bloom and you will learn about who you are as a person.
  2. Find what it is that you love in life and nurture it, and the best way to find out is to try something new and become a student again, you’ll find out a lot about yourself and maybe uncover a talent you never knew existed. At Learned.Live, we encourage our teachers to teach the subjects they truly love. Brilliant teaching is born from a deep passion for your subject matter. 
  3. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Yes, it’s as true today as when your mother drummed it into you all those years ago! Avoid making snap judgements and abandon preconceived ideas. Where you need support, offer it to someone first. They are more likely to reciprocate. Don’t be afraid to ask and step outside your comfort zone to find help and offer help to others where it is needed.
  4. Be more sociable. This can be easier said than done and in today’s climate, we’ve got so used to being indoors that often it’s hard to get back out and meet new people again. At Learned.Live, we have made it easier to meet new people by bringing the classroom to you where you can feel comfortable to learn and engage with like minded students. You’ll gain confidence amongst the other students, become connected through a common bond of learning and you might even click and make new friends!


Will your tribe have the strength to move mountains and build a sustainable future? Let us know in the comments below! We’d love to hear about your own tribe! 


Author bio:
Entrepreneur Sophia Spencer and her partner, Johnathan Reynolds, founded the UK’s first live online learning platform Learned.Live  in November 2020. They live with their growing family in Brighton, East Sussex.
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