I Found a Different Calling

By Marilyn L. Redmond

My life has been a path of finding a new way of living that works for me. My husband and I were teachers; he left his profession to start a printing business. Through helping him, I learned about the world of business, also. His goal was to become a millionaire like his best friend who had inherited his fortune at an early age. Being a bit jealous, my husband wanted to feel like he was as good as his pal who was well off, financially.

To keep the expenses down in the shop, I worked every hour when I was not teaching school or home with the children, which created additional household responsibilities. I became the bookkeeper, front desk receptionist, plate maker, and other jobs in our printing shop. I enjoyed preparing the work for the press, learning about accounting, and helping the customers. It gave me a great opportunity to be in the world of commerce.

The places we rented did not have the proper temperature control for printing certain types of paper requiring lower heat, especially during hot humid months. We built a building with the right specifications for all kinds of printing including additional rental area spaces. The idea of expanding the rental part of our business became a reality when we bought an adjacent lot to our original building for more space to lease.

My husband’s goal was to own the whole block as his friend owned a whole block in a nearby town. The process for building and meeting city codes was frustrating because the town did not support small business and its growth. My husband charged through all the difficult challenges resulting in our now having two buildings providing more rents in addition to the printing income.

Life changed, when I needed to divorce for my personal protection. It was necessary to remove myself from a mini business empire he was building. Through this separation, I found a new mind set for my future life on my own.

My motivation was not to become a millionaire as my husband was driven. My purpose became supporting others to find a life path of reality and love leading to inner peace. My mission was to bring truth for people to resolve life challenges and loving solutions without western medicine. My intention included volunteering to help those that could not afford healing from traditional agencies and helping those looking for alternative answers for their health and relationship issues.

I wanted to start a business as an ordained spiritual counselor, regressionist, medium, author, and artist. This required a name to cover my many talents as an umbrella for my work. One of my angels is Angelica and I named my cat after Angelica. My friend suggested I use that as the name for my business. Angelica’s Gift’s perfectly describes my spiritual talents.

My interest was in helping others and bringing wisdom to unanswered issues in life. Expertise came from my journeys, instructions, and personal experiences providing a new perception and understanding of healing energies. I found spiritual knowledge that most people do not recognize and understand. These remarkable ideas became the basis of all my work.

Fortunately, I received the second building in the divorce settlement. My rents from this building and my investments were paying the bills for my growing spiritual goal in healing others and myself. It felt like God was paying me to learn and then to share that knowledge with others.

My office is in my home and an additional room became my therapy room. The opportunity to produce and host two radio shows appeared at different times, which helped spread the word of new answers for a better-quality life. Speaking at metaphysical groups and teaching empowerment in colleges brought more income and clients.

Several years later, I was traveling to Seattle, WA, to present a day program. As I drove up the freeway, my inner voice told me, “You are a success”. This brought the realization that life for me was not about how much money I made, but in sharing my knowledge and understanding that the universal loving energy in our lives can heal our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual lives.

My inner life is a success and it is not about how others judge from their agendas. Accepting that success was helping others without looking for payment to make ends meet was the answer to success. Life is comfortable and I feel fulfilled without a huge bank account. The universe is paying my way. I am emotionally secure and happy in my life.

Recently, to validate my success, I was informed that my books are the basis for a study group in a most important prison in the United States, San Quentin. In addition, I was told that Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment Organization is distributing my books in the United States and internationally to prisons. The thrill of this was wonderful.

A week ago, I received a phone call that I had been nominated and accepted for the prestigious book, “Who’s Who in America” which identifies outstanding people. This means that my work is accredited in America and worldwide. To me these recognitions are more important than the dollars in the bank. I am contributing to humanity.

Marilyn Redmond is an ordained spiritual minister for counseling, readings, regression, and healing. Marilyn can help you find health, happiness, and prosperity. She is an internationally board-certified regressionist for past life therapy and on the American Board of Hypnotherapy. In addition, she is a teacher, speaker, and medium. Marilyn gives readings and healing information from the other side for illness, relationships, and issues in your life.
Additionally, she produced and hosted two radio shows. Her 10 books are at Amazon and on line at Barnes and Nobel. Marilyn has 175 You Tubes. Also, her many articles and monthly columns reveal how she achieved a consciousness of oneness in healing my traumatic life. Her work offers tools, information, and help for you to grow beyond disease and difficulties into health.

Check out:
My website, https://www.angelicasgifts.com/
My Books: at https://www.amazon.com/Marilyn-Redmond/e/B0069WIKDC
Barnes and Nobel https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Marilyn+Redmond?_requestid=16065424
My 175 videos on You Tube at https://www.youtube.com/user/puyallup98372
My blog at https://marilynredmondbooks.blogspot.com/

Contact me at marilyn@angelicasgifts.com

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