It Really Isn’t Just Your Average I Do.

ut logoI really do love the creativity nowadays when it comes to weddings. Gone are the days of the boring weddings, the white or off white, the prawn vol-au-vents and the cheesy disco, although some people love a bit of ‘Dad dancing’! The dresses are so much more outlandish than they have ever been, the crazy choreographed first dances and of course all the different themes prospective Bride and Grooms now follow.

When I come across the events companies that inject the creativity to weddings, I get really excited! Like the latest company who have signed up to the Utilise It service, a company based in Haywards Heath, West Sussex called Not Just Your Average I Do, and it really ‘does what it says on the tin’

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So I went to have a chat with the girls who founded the company, Sara and Kelly, to find out exactly what inspired them to take the leap of running their own business and an insight into their background.

They have 25 years combined experience in events, Sara has organised high profile events in the media industry and has experience of event production in Europe and the Middle East. Kelly had spent her career in corporate events, putting together national awards and exhibitions. They both met through having their families, which gave them an abundance of common ground to start from. I think it is brilliant when such amazing collaborations and friendships form.

Their main business, although they have organised anniversaries, christenings, and birthdays, is weddings, where the girls can get as creative as they like. Not Your Average I Do hire really cool things like Wedding props, unusual lighting, and bespoke signage.

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As part of running all different events, they really do like to give back to the community and help raise money for charities and worthwhile causes close to their hearts. Kelly’s son has a very rare genetic disorder so they organised a fundraiser in December for him and Brainwave (a children’s charity in Devon). They are also on the committee for a large 2-day event in Haywards Heath next year and will be running a sensory area for children with special needs. Kelly said their biggest success to date has been raising £10,000 for Leukemia Research, a successful company that has a big heart too!

What do own that can be Utilised? We want to hear your story, contact us at Utilise It by contacting us at

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