Keyed up in lock down?

So due to this horrific pendamic virus we are virtually “locked down” at home for long and extended periods with mostly all the family, the spouse or even alone. More time than we generally spend together and although not long since all of the “hearts and flowers” of Valentine’s Day it seems that in quite a few households it is all going wrong.
Apparently calls to relationship helplines have increased dramatically, and even more sinister a reported rise of 25% in domestic abuse calls too. Not so Valentine like then, In fact as I’m writing this it has just come on the radio that police stopped a motorist doing a 130 mile drive during the lock down. His reason was that he needed to have a break from his wife and three children!
With any extended period of unusal closeness and change of routine, it can cause problems as the Christmas period has always shown, but this “stay at home”, and thus no “escape” to work or anywhere has no timescale yet. There may be trouble ahead indeed. Add to this that the many peope unable to work are also having financial, restrictive and organisational problems as well, and we have situations of a very potentially destructive nature.
First poem then and is extremely apt, featuring in my 7th and latest book, “Poet Reflects Your World”…..


The shrieking wind shook off the hand
Desperately clinging to the rail,
And threatened to flatten him
For fighting was to no avail,
As weakened frame and battered mind
Could offer no more defence,
Against the elements bombardment
So now resistance made no sense.

But a defiant spark was remaining
While a strong will said hold on,
And struggle to the bitter end
When all hope has finally gone.
Because man has a deep inner will
That can achieve huge success,
When all has appeared hopeless
And seemed an impossible mess.

But what is it that drives us on
Like the intrepid case as above?
Well I believe it is our fine spirit
And a considered belief that love
Can help us overcome diversity
And everything that life can throw.
But obviously there are times
When we just have to let go.

So meanwhile we can take a lead
From courageous exploring heroes,
Who forged new paths and discoveries
So that everywhere man now goes,
He has the lessons on fortitude
Taught by Trojans from the past,
Who used love and determination
To teach how to make it last.


A lesson and encouragement there then, and maybe we need all the tenacity that we can muster in the face of this worldwide vius threat. Perhaps another supporting poem then…..

Don’t Turn the Lights Out

When life gets difficult and frustrating
People’s attitudes will become hard,
And more protective of their situations
So being fearful they prepare to guard,
Their family home and possessions
Which of course is totally right.
But this must be done with caution
And not turn out every light.

Because if a country or an area
Feels threatened and likely to lose,
Any jobs, peace or way of life
It may be encouraged to choose,
One side and take on arguments
Which were not the case before,
Extreme and determined radicals
Wanted to engage in forms of war.

Thus everyone begins to get paranoid
And fear their rights may be curtailed,
Fuelled by provoking propaganda
Saying a peaceful stance has failed.
But in the background of this unrest
Are some folks with hearts still stout,
Who are worried and try to warn
Against madness turning lights out.

For we have been taught by history
About whipped-up hate and racist acts,
That can turn people against each other
Without really knowing all the facts.
But can lead to unspeakably cruel deeds
Which are frightening without a doubt.
Because we have seen the worst of man
If turning lights of fellowship out.

So we must try hard to remember
The dark times we can get into,
When hatred, lies and extremism
Became traits men went on to pursue,
Leading to racist actions and events
Which caused sad gruesome sights.
Thus we should recollect before
We turn out all the world’s lights.


Yes strong suggestions perhaps, but better than giving up in despair I think, although understandably people are getting wound up with the general situation, and while many people say they are adapting to these new and surreal circumstances, we are only human.


A positive mind yields a happy heart
For troubles come, and some go slow.
But if you are steadfast in your way,
You can help any heartaches go.

For all of us will have challenges,
And must do our very best to meet
With strongest resolve we can find,
Or get knocked right off our feet,
By seismic shocks that shake you
And possibly cause you many tears.
Though if you tackle these heroically
You may have better future years.

For a positive mind yields a happy heart
And helps make worries seem smaller,
Thus meet them in a courageous way
And you certainly will walk taller.

For I feel I’m living proof of this
Being a very optimistic man.
Though I have had many troubles too
But met them the best way I can,
For even if I lost sometimes
I always stood back up again,
Which certainly was best for me
Although of course I felt the pain.

So onwards in life and upwards
We must make our merry way,
Because even if sad times prevail
We can still fight another day.

All very rousing, but fear not for if all this “gung ho” fails then my last poem in this cheery little piece may help, if not, then I’m sorry it is all down to you……


Some times our world will break
And a splinter will cut me or you,
For however we try to deny it
The sad fact is it’s true.
For however much we fight it
A pain will show up the lies,
But there is way to beat this
And that is to anaesthetise.

This though can be very tricky
As no two people are the same,
So before you seek this sanctuary
You must absolve yourself from blame,
Or any feelings of guilt
That may be piercing your shell,
As to disappear into limbo
You must choose your analgesic well.

For we will all know someone
Who has taken drugs or strong drink,
To escape their cruel world for a while
Or a break from having to think.
And perhaps see themselves differently
From the skin and suit they wear
As within this anaesthetised state
You can pretend you don’t really care.

Thus nothing can touch you now
And you won’t want to touch them,
Even if it’s people who love you
Or perhaps those who condemn,
Your actions, words or opinion
So easy when you are still down,
But determinedly attempting to rise
And stand again without a frown.

Therefore consider those you meet
Who don’t seem real as they are,
For they may be partly in hiding
So won’t express themselves too far,
As that would need them to surface
From depths that protect and heal,
Giving both comfort and solace
And escape from anguish they feel.

So keyed up in lock down possibly, but no matter how bad it gets, it won’t last forever, err will it?

All seven of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life
More Poetic Views of Life
Reviews of Life in Verse
Life Scene in Verse
Life Presented In Verse,
Poet Reveals All (in your world).
Poet Reflects Your World

These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.
My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new 7th and sixth book, both bigger still are £9.99. and all are for sale on Amazon, book stores or preferably from me ………….. Or 07967 355236

I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- please sign/join up absolutely free.


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