Make a Shift into Love

What is blocking my progress? After the last two columns looking at fears and resentments, I now have a new point of view. Moving forward into a new comfort level can be scary. If I look good on the outside, won’t that make me change on the inside? Maybe you are thinking, will people like the authentic me if I change? How will my life be different? Will I even have a life? Shouldn’t my will power be enough to maintain a good life? All of these questions hinder my progression.

Most people know the story of Pinocchio. This story symbolizes our journey. When Pinocchio goes to Pleasure Island for all the fun and gratification, he turns into a donkey feeling despair and guilt. It is through saving his father that he loses the tail and ears from his decadent life and becomes a real boy. He became selfless in rescuing his father, Geppetto. His arrogance left in his selfless act. When your spirit moves into wholeness, you feel complete—a whole spirit. Your needs are met. You feel good; you feel the beneficent energy of the universe. Pinocchio became real. He found his soul by being humble, getting out of ‘self’.
A missing piece of information is that we are an energy field called consciousness. Edgar Cayce, the famous psychic of the twentieth century said, “Everything is vibratory.” Science tells us that consciousness is energy. Our fears, angers, and other negative energies are low vibrations and have no power. Feeling helpless or hopeless are powerless feelings. In addition, illness is symbolic of a lower vibration of awareness.

I am talking about raising consciousness. It is possible to move energy from a lower energy of selfishness, fear, and inadequacies into higher vibrations of caring and compassionate feelings. With the understanding that “emotions are energy in motion”, then we are able to release old energy. It is achievable to replace it with positive energy. Love is the most powerful vibration in the universe. I am able to create a new foundation for life.

I receive the vibrational energy and my subconscious answers it with things that match it. The universe does not know why I have a vibration; it can be from the past, what I am observing, or a memory. I cannot control circumstances, however, I now understand that I can control my vibrations and raise them into loving thoughts. I am able to choose my thoughts. Letting go of egotistic thoughts bring me to well-being. I create through vibrations of positive and higher significant thinking. The universe supports me in all things. I can create a new reality.

I no longer need to react from the past harms, fears, or false beliefs. My new life moves into being present in my current experience. I had been recreating the past as a victim, and now I will create a pleasant presence from my present empowerment. Moving into this new place is faith in action. Now, I have a new foundation for a life that works from a conscious connection to a loving source. With love, all things are possible.

A quote from Abraham channeled by Ester Hicks, explains this. “When you practice good-feeling thoughts and are, therefore, more in control of your vibrational atmosphere, then you are able to respond to the things that are happening in the world from your practiced place of alignment rather than from a reactionary place. That is what the Art of Allowing is all about.” What are the most loving things I can do for others, and myself? I just do the next right indicated thing in front of me. I understand that all things work for good when I come from love. It is the universal law of cause and effect. Good results will come from my new mindset and loving motivation. This means my future will be better. This becomes my new way of thinking.
Therefore, what you are thinking and doing is coming back to you as a vibrational match.

This takes me to The Law of Attraction. Now with my cause being positive I will attract loving outcomes. It is my vibrational offering that equals my point of attraction. There are a dozen universal Laws. They are always working in our lives. Learning to align with them is the answer. Edgar Cayce said, “That ye dwell upon, that ye become; –just as that ye hate suddenly befalls thee. This is natural law.” In other words, my energy attracts the same energy back to me that I send out. In addition, he states “Resolution is only available in a high-altered state of consciousness that is free of toxic elements and past emotional trauma. Therefore, it is necessary to use a means or method that allows your energy to flow into a higher emotional level of well-being most people call meditation or an altered state of being.”

When you apply this information, you will attract to you an enhanced life. With affirmative thoughts and feelings of wealth, health, and selflessness, you will attract wealth, health, and opportunities to be of service to those around you. A high-minded quality not quantity creates the higher level of my vibrations to ascend into unconditional love and maturity. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

My needs manifest through an honest focus with an open and sincere heart. My supply occurs. My inheritance as a child of the universe will be apparent. I am in the flow of a loving energy. I feel the bliss and prosperity. God’s grace is sufficient.

My purpose is that I came to change my energy into compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, and unconditional love. Altering and transforming my vibrations back to those of the Creator’s love attracts me to return to my spiritual home. Healing my soul is the journey. This is the great inner urging. This solves the mystery of why I am here.

“Practice …charity to all, love to all; finding fault with none; being patient with all, showing brotherly love and brotherly kindness. Against these, there is no law. And…by the application of them…ye become free of the laws that are of body or of mind; for ye are then conscious of being one with the Creative Forces.” Edgar Cayce

My books at Amazon, are about this shift in thinking. “Paradigm Busters Reveal the Real You” at Amazon, has the details of making this bold and brave change in your life. Treat yourself to answers that bring joy, prosperity, and love back to you for a happy life.

Rev. Marilyn Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT can help you find health, happiness and prosperity, too. She is a spiritual counselor, internationally board-certified regressionist, hypnotist, teacher, speaker, and medium. In addition, she gives readings and is an ordained minister for spiritual healing. Marilyn’s 10 books at Amazon and on line at Barnes and Nobel, and many articles reveal how she achieved a consciousness of oneness in healing her traumatic life of mental illness, addictions, PTSD, domestic violence, depression, and more. Read her monthly columns on Check her website, /her 172 videos on You Tube at, and her blog at Contact her at

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