My Path to Maturity

As I progressed in my expedition into reality, it became clearer that my ego had been running my life. Some people say ego stands for “‘Edging God out”. I also saw this as my will be done. Earlier in my life, I never took the time actually to analyze what I was doing. I automatically went through my life without any forethought. What I learned at home, school, and church was my information.

Today, I have learned to turn within for my direction and guidance. This produces better results. I move from insanity to sanity, from old ideas into truth. If my ego’s fear is running the show, then I will have baleful, irrational results. When I come from my heart and inner wisdom, my life goes well. It is about cause and effect.

Realizing that resentments covered my fear, I was ready to release my childish reactions and move into forgiving the people and situations. This allowed me to emotionally move out of the past harms and hurts.

Over time I realized that fear is like a bogeyman. It is akin to the child in bed at night who thinks there is an ogre under the bed. The parents turn on the light and there is no monster. Both emotions, anger and fear, are reactions from a frightened child. It was time to finish my inner house cleaning.

I chose to release my fears one by one. As I humbly requested each identified fear to leave, I replaced the space with love and grace. While on a camping trip in Death Valley National Park, I was meditating. For the first time in my life, I felt grace from head to toe. It felt wonderful. It was the beginning of more experiences in a happy direction.

Over many years of naming and releasing fears one by one, I became fearless. Facing my last fear was a special day. A friend asked to me go up in a huge ferris wheel on the waterfront in Seattle. My first reaction was “No”. Years earlier, I had a traumatic experience and I panicked on a carnival ride called the octopus, while in grade school, and vowed never to ride something that went up in the air again. While meditating to resolve my dilemma, I found that I could not have faith and fear at the same time.

I found my faith by placing myself in the arms of my higher power. I enjoyed the ride. My reward was a gorgeous sunset. My picture of the sunset became the cover of my newest book, “Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You” which is available on
This change surprised me. I felt empowered with my new understanding of a bigger picture. I transformed my feelings for peace of mind. Walking through my fears and releasing my view of being badly treated in the past, has brought me into a new life. I see the folly of buying into them. They seem to disappear as I allow myself to move forward in faith. “This too shall pass” is a popular saying.

Resentments and fears had stopped me from receiving miracles in my life. As I let them go, good feelings filled the empty space. Currently, surprises and miracles are popping into my life, because the love is finally able to manifest.

Currently, I am enjoying more grace. My compulsive behavior has stopped. Needing to survive has turned into thriving. Abundance and prosperity has replaced my feelings of lack and not enough. I feel safe, secure, and loved. When I moved from an ego, fear-based life into a love-based life I found a new foundation for my life. I found that I am responsible for my life and my feelings. With faith, I can move forward and enjoy what life has for me.

Learning that I can only change myself was a novel idea. When I respond to life’s challenges with a loving solution, I can pass on the love of the universe to my family, friends, and others. I feel joyfulness and in harmony. Becoming a conduit of love was not my intention when I started this journey, but I like my improved life. Giving to others has become a treat for me. I am aligning with the spirit of love, Thy will be done. Moving up the ladder of consciousness, also known as Jacob’s ladder is becoming an adventure. The cause has changed and the effect is terrific.

There is one more important part of the process before good orderly direction becomes a reality for me. Next month I eat humble pie.

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