National Poetry Day, and folly?

As Thursday October 3rd is National Poetry Day I am making it my monthly article and theme with some of my thoughts on poetry myths, elitism, snobbery and good old “down to earth” rubbish!
Well if that doesn’t get your attention and interest you are probably best off not reading any more and move on, as am unlikely to be able to help you?

So who am “I” to say this and put such a bold lead-in paragraph too? I will tell you, but I’m sure that after writing my monthly article with poems on here for exactly four years now, you may well know me. You don’t? Ho ho, right no great harm and worry for I will clarify, explain, advise, demonstrate and possibly even educate, but like The Wise Old Owl said “Whoooooooo knows?”

My aka is The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson, so called after my 30 year expansive career in Psychiatry for which I have a Forensic Psychiatry degree, and I’m a six, very soon to be seven, times published poet, and I have written coming up to 500 poems in about six years, with a few completed a few years before.
I have also recently had three of my poems read out on National radio that broadcasts internationally, I’ve won several competitions and certificates, had my poems printed in both national and local papers, Oh, and of course six poems that got into national finals and are published in six of Forward Poetry publications. I hope that endorses and qualifies me a bit to expostulate about some “poetry ideas!

I believe, and encourage people to just write what they want and how they want to. It is their thoughts and ideas, perhaps memories and experiences, so who has the right to criticise and nitpick? Yes probably if they enter a competition that is fair enough, but sadly there is a stuffy, snobby attitude to poetry, like there once was about Shakespeare’s work too. That was incredibly ironic because “Our Will” wrote for the base and common man of the street in his time.
In my early days of publication about five years ago I had one such twit who “didn’t like my poetry” because of “my style” and even more ludicrous “it rhymed”! Below is my fairly immediate response and “one of” my subsequent answers to such people…….

Poetic Prigs Presume

When is our poetry not poetry?
Apart from decree by a pretentious prig,
Who decides his opinion carries all
Like a judge presiding in his wig!

But away from all his dogma
There are mostly differing views,
For some like to tie up every line
Whilst others rhyme in twos.

Of course there is prose then
That forms up in no special way
And flows about a subject,
With no need at all to stay
Exactly to a point or course,
Or even with a topic theme.
Then leads you across anywhere
As if you were in a dream.

Thus as long as it is a pleasure
Poetry can be anything you choose,
From simple usual rhyming verse
To flyaway words about a muse.

That mine is very down to earth
And modern with a story telling style,
Suits me and many who like it,
Though elitist snobs may rile.
At this usurper who is new
And writes simply so you can see,
The essence of the poems
Which certainly pleases me!

There we are then but such views continue, and whilst everyone ir entitled to their opinion, hopefully it should be a measured one?
A situation concerning people saying to me “I would love to write, but don’t know the rules” arose to which I advised them to put in writing anything they wanted, anyhow. Sadly lurking behind them apparently were the self professed “elite” with their sneers and complicated “set forms, lay outs and couplets”.Perhaps welcoming in, and embracing new and interested people instead would be more beneficial and a long term positive for poetry? Another of my “more recent responses….

Querying Rectal Views

Strong words written from the heart
Will be expressed without rules.
For passion, care and emotions
Are more important than the fools,
Who reign and preside in majesty,
Over just how you must complete,
Any piece of your heartfelt verse
Wanting it their way, and neat.

For people should be encouraged
To write and express emotions,
In a spontaneous and pure way
Without fear of swirling oceans,
Of criticism an lauded sneers
From snobs all sure they’re right,
In stating that educated forms
Must be the only prose in sight.

Perhaps these are the same elite
Who decreed The Bard’s great works,
Could only be seen and appreciated
By elevated and privileged jerks,
Who looked right down their noses
Though had clearly then forgotten,
Shakespeare had written his words
For the base, and generally rotten.

So let’s round this poetic row up
And put it into perspective,
Because we all have opinions
And individual collective.
For considerations must surely be
On thoughtful, composed care,
And not judged by stuffy rules
Deciding what can be there!

No “punch pulling” in that from my sixth book published last year 2018 and so there shouldn’t be, but hopefully my point is taken for this 2019 National poetry day, and to conclude I will include this poem from my 4th book that made National finals, (in last 180 of apparently near 2,000 entries) and published in that book of competition by Forward Poetry.
Moment in Time

The world spins on its axis
Night darkens the light of day,
Summer follows winter and spring
Our times were made that way.

Yet we go on in our existence
Even if we want to or not,
For however much we fight it
We mostly have the life we’ve got.
For as we continue on our road,
Days will come that bring our turn.
To have some suffering to bear,
From which we need to learn.

For as our loved ones die on us
Others will come as we see them go.
Replaced by babes newly born,
In natures continuous flow.
So enjoy what you have now
For as long as you possibly can,
Because there is no certainty
Of the time scale given to man.

Waiting for exactly the right time
To do all that you want to do,
May catch you out very badly
And be totally denied to you.
Thus best appreciate it all now
Even if the truth hurts and numbs,
For however hard to accept it
Sometimes tomorrow never comes.

Well that is my offering for this month and National Poetry Day, so hopefully it has amused and given a different slant on poetry, its writers new and old, and including the “looking down the nose” brigade like Greek gods, and of course, errr, me! Please enjoy….

All six of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life
More Poetic Views of Life
Reviews of Life in Verse &
Life Scene in Verse
Life Presented In Verse,
And NOW my sixth book =
Poet Reveals All (in your world).

These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.
My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new and sixth book, bigger still is £9.99. and all are for sale on Amazon, book stores or from me ………….. Or 07967 355236

I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- please sign/join up absolutely free.


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