I hope my story has brought answers and guidance for your journey in life. The next…

A New Life

Love waits on welcome, not on time, I found. With my brand new way of life,…

I Am the Genie in the Bottle

My journey into a new awareness has not been easy. I was told, “growing up is…

I Am the Genie in the Bottle

My journey into a new awareness has not been easy. I was told, “growing up is…

The Current Moment

Moving into the present or “Now” is becoming fascinating. For many years, I prayed for a…

Forgiveness Brings a Gift -Leaving the Past Behind

There is always more to learn on the path of spirituality and personal growth. I will…

Transforming Victim into Strength

My path to a better life brings new ideas and understandings different from my background. If…

My Path to Maturity

As I progressed in my expedition into reality, it became clearer that my ego had been…