Party Prep Your Skin!

Whether you plan to head out to festive gatherings or shine on family and friend Zoom calls, our Aesthetics & Skincare Expert Amish Patel at Intrigue Cosmetic Clinic shares a few of his expert tips for beautiful glowing skin.


woman eating chocolate

As we approach the party season, looking after your skin and wellbeing can become a challenge. An uptake in alcohol, sweets, chocolates, sugary foods, and late nights can all impact our skin, but there is plenty you can do to counteract the effects of the festive season.

Drink More!

If you’re planning on an evening of drinking, then try to drink at least one glass of water for every glass of wine. This will help you keep hydrated and flush out toxins in the body. I can’t promise that you won’t have a hangover the following day, but it will hopefully be a lot less severe!

Salmon & Eggs
Eat Well

If you are planning an evening out drinking, then make sure you eat a good meal. Eating before you head out to a party or bar will help ensure that the alcohol doesn’t go straight to your head. If you can cook up eggs and salmon, you’ll be helping to absorb critical nutrients and counteract inflammation with high protein and healthy fats. Salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which is linked to reducing inflammation, which could also help keep your skin moisturised. Eggs are rich in Lutein and can help with hydration and elasticity to the skin, while the high protein content can help repair tissues and firm skin.If you want something light to eat, try bananas and greek yoghurt. Bananas are nearly 75% water, so good for hydrating, and they are also full of potassium, which can help dispel the after-effects of alcohol.  Bananas contain Vitamin A, which helps restore the skin’s moisture and can help support dry skin. They also contain manganese, which helps make collagen and protect your skin and other cells against free radical damage. Greek yoghurt is high in protein and will help slow down alcohol absorption. Yoghurt is also rich in zinc and has anti-inflammatory properties, so it’s a great snack at any time!


At the clinic, we are always extra busy in the run-up to Christmas with clients wanting to ensure they get their treatments ahead of the party season. However, if you have fillers make sure you allow for any swelling to subside before adding alcohol to the mix. We recommend that you don’t drink for at least 72 hours after your fillers and if you have swelling and bruising, your delay even further. Alcohol can thin the blood, which can lead to more bruising and swelling after dermal filler injections.

Sleep Easy

If you plan a few big nights out, try to take a few nights off of drinking alcohol and sugar. Avoiding alcohol and sugar will help you sleep better and give your body and skin a little recovery time to reset. Have an early night, switch off all your devices, and settle down to a good book and a chamomile tea. Catching up on your sleep will help you mentally and physically.

Woman removing her make-up
Don’t Skimp On Your Beauty Routine

A hectic social calendar might mean you start to skimp on your beauty routine! My advice is don’t, your winter skincare routine is very important! Make sure you remove all your make-up before you go to bed to remove the dirt, grime and pollutants that have been sat on your skin. Cleansing and moisturising your face will remove impurities, replenish the skin and help prevent blocked pores and pimples from appearing.
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