When an unexploded WWII bomb is accidentally detonated in Pimlico, an area of London, it reveals a treasure trove and documents proving that the region is, in fact part of Burgundy, France and thus foreign territory. The British Government attempt to regain control by setting up border controls and cutting off services to the area.  The ‘Burgundians’ fight back…

Doesn’t this sound too familiar in today’s world?  We seem to have the knack of recycling wars amongst different nations.  It’s a shame really that different factions want to fight for a piece of land that’s not theirs and for what reason, it is hard to fathom and if they come up against a little bit of resistance, they bomb the country they want to have out of all recognition, killing off the population and those that survive flee to another country.  Where is the sanity in doing this?

The country in question has been in existence and living in peace for hundreds of years and then this other country, their neighbours, want to start a war – WHY?

What do these factions want to achieve?  To be masters of the universe for argument sake and if they win where would go?  The world would be like it was before the “BIG BANG” and we would all have to start again from the beginning of time.

Of course there are people who don’t believe in God and each to their own beliefs, yet some of these people fight in the name of religion and how is that possible if they don’t believe there’s a God?

To quote from a friend who I was speaking to quite recently: God must be looking down and saying, “What are these people playing at?”




Where is the £350,000,000 per week going? Many BREXIT VOTERS are hopeful it will save the NHS from sinking, but with JEREMY HUNT still in control of THE TITANIC (and we know what happened to that ship) he will probably put forward his own charity for the money or suggest another useless WHITE ELEPHANT the GOVERNMENT could invest in that nobody wants.

I think Theresa May’s first blunder was letting Jeremy Hunt off the hook and keeping him on the books. He unfortunately remains Secretary of State for Health. He’s been in the job since 2012.  His record for diplomacy in speaking to other people has hit the bottom of a pit of his own making.

He’s currently embroiled in an ongoing row with Junior Doctors and the (BMA) British Medical Association over plans to introduce a seven day week (NHS), which requires controversial changes to their contracts and working hours.  JEREMY HUNT says research shows patients admitted to NHS Hospitals at the weekend are more likely to die than those admitted Monday to Friday.  Rather an unfeeling statement to make and I think he is clutching at invisible straws to make such a prediction.  How much depth to his     research has he made?  Has he visited every hospital in England and Ireland with a stopwatch in hand?  If you ask me it’s a load of bullshit!



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