Peace and peaceful plea….

So as we head into another year, or towards it when I first contemplated this theme, I decided it would be a nice and hopeful thought for the new year to wish for peace in 2018. Not a particularly original idea of course, but always worth mentioning in our constantly troubled world!
Peace for us in our homes, our towns, our country and our world. A big ask I know, but to consider it and reflect on our blessings would be a start. I was always taught to count my blessings, though being quite poor when I grew up as a child it was a challenge, but I have tried to since, and mostly succeeded over the years. Certainly I have always appreciated living in peace, maybe there were one or two concerning times, but on a worldwide scale, not much at all. How about you?
Well that has set us up quite nicely and to continue I will present this poem “Blind Faith” that people have kindly commented on in very complimentary manner. It is from my latest book published last August and entitled “Life Presented in Verse”.

Blind Faith

Thoughts are tumbling from my head
Almost written before I’ve said,
What I really need to say
About our world on a given day.
With all its tragedies and war
Who knows what they’re fighting for?
Just I guess, that desperate need
For more power, wealth and greed.

So little children, babes in arms
Are blown up and lose their charms,
Or any hope of normal life,
Torn away by psychotic strife,
Performed by armies of the just
Who grind opposition into dust.
Believing they have their gods will
To terrorise, maim and kill!

But this world has always seen
Acts of cruelty by the mean
And callous bullies who all say,
We must live and pray their way.
But I have hope deep in my heart
That if everyone will play a part,
We can make this a nicer place
Free of all extreme disgrace.

Blind faith then, and nothing wrong with that if it is appropriate and not foisted too much on other people. Hey, there could be a big clue there on how we can have and maintain peace, so maybe it just goes to show you that thinking and talking about peace may help? Now there is a start!
Obviously in our fast-paced, complex, and at times manic world, where we are all involved in our own metaphoric small pool, it is hard to contemplate the wider “waters” of our world when we are so busy. The worldwide news and updates constantly confronting us on our media devices should make us think though, but does it?
To help us all consider this I will now include another poem very aptly titled “Home Comforts” and written ironically while I was at my sunny French place, so perhaps even more poignant for that. It comes from my 2nd book “More Poetic Views of Life”.

Home Comforts

You must really count your blessings
I do that each and every day,
For there’s always someone worse off
No matter what you think or say!

We live closely in our own world
So don’t see much else around,
And very little affects us here
Thus we sleep safe and sound.

No war now overshadows us
Earthquake, drought or heavy weather.
In fact if we get deep heavy snow
There’s panic running hell for leather!

We have no major killing diseases
Of course cancer threatens us all,
But that’s a worldwide problem too
Thus our health concerns are small.
Well apart that is from obesity
That will be the new fatal killer,
Unless people stop eating fast food
And go easy on their stomach filler.

We live closely in our own world
So don’t see much else around,
And very little affects us here
Thus we sleep safe and sound.

So rest safely in your beds tonight,
For it’s only you that cause distress
And shock waves in your tranquil pond,
So why should we settle for less?

Don’t settle for less than peace then indeed, but for many sadly that isn’t an option, and again we must consider our good fortune as appropriate. Often we can influence some of our situations and events, but certainly not always the case, and exactly the same for everyone!
Whatever we feel about our influence on events, we do have a situation in the world now with two major country leaders posturing and threatening each other, which is possibly the most serious menace to the world globally for some time. The questionable stability of these men and the state of their countries is the most concerning. I wrote this next poem “Don’t Write it Off” early in 2017, and it’s in my latest and 5th book…

Don’t Write it Off

I suppose I now have a mission
With my written thoughts in verse,
For as I scan the worldwide scene
I fear it’s all getting worse.

For it seems there are wars everywhere
With the world once more on the brink.
So great leaders please take care
And give lots of time to think,
Of amazing wonders, good, and values
At new risk from conceited power.
Which can lead to mass destruction
In much less than an hour.

Of course there’s been great wars before
And yet somehow we still survived.
Learning from the mushroom cloud
That insured we have now arrived,
At a state of chilling acceptance
Of just what harm man can do.
But now it seems we must again
Test out if it’s all true!

So what use then is my puny verse
That on a world scale’s just a jot?
But for me it’s hugely important,
To give our opinions than to just not
Do anything or our make a protest,
As generations have done before.
When on monumental occasions
It did bring an end to war.

So I will scribe away my thoughts
To let my feelings be known,
As you won’t succeed, if you don’t try
Thus I may not stand alone!

Another plea and consideration for peace then, and let’s hope that common sense, reconciliation and world appeals for restraint win out! Well like many things in life “it will all pan out one way or other”, so I guess we must carry on regardless and hope for the best?
From my 4th book another poem called “Poets and Scrollers” seems quite apt here too…..

Poets and Scrollers

The news comes flooding into our lives
From places nationally or world wide.
Amusing, frightening or tragically sad,
Yet from it all, it’s hard to hide.

Graphic images often feature large
As the world comes to our door.
Exposing to us the very worst of man,
As the news channels try to explore
All aspects of life to fully scrutinise
Under a glaringly microscope.
Making you angry, laugh or cry
Or possibly give up all hope.

So how do we deal with a bombardment
Reeking havoc on mind and senses?
Confronting us with with manic thoughts
That causes mass upset and offences.
Some will merely just look away
Denying they have seen, or know it,
But others take it all to heart
And most likely they’re a poet.

For poets tend to write on things
With strong thoughts and burning phrases,
That encapsulates and rams it home
To the indifferent who it amazes.

So having seen it put into words
These ostriches or rock and rollers,
Still prefer to avoid any sympathy
By being just news reel scrollers.
Who turn a blind eye to sad events
Until something happens to them too.
When a poet will then come forward
To comfort their tragic view.

So there we have it then, our hope for peace, peaceful times at home and a worldwide plea. Whilst most of it can’t be influenced by us individually, I have always thought that despite it all, and what is happening around us, if I or we do what we can in appropriate manner and is our best we cannot do any more than that….

So All Good Wishes for the New Year,


All five of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life
More Poetic Views of Life
Reviews of Life in Verse &
Life Scene in Verse
Life Presented In Verse,

will all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.
My first 3 books are only priced £4. 99 each, with my 4th and bigger book (Life Scene in Verse) at £6.99 are all for sale on Amazon, or from me ………….. Or 07967 355236

I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and from very recently a website now:- please sign/join up absolutely free.

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