Political People!

People often say to me “You would be surprised what Political People do!”  No!  I’m not surprised in the least. When you ask a politician an important question about something really important that the party in question has promised they would do to get your vote, which is, incidentally mentioned in their manifesto, they always answer in a nonsensical way.  That doesn’t mean anything because they pretend they haven’t a clue what you mean.


I received a letter from a leader of a local Council.  It was three pages long and used all the letters of the alphabet.  Did it answer my question?  Of course not, it was a camouflage of some sort and I thought ‘just think we are paying these people to represent us citizens to keep us safe and do the job they were handsomely paid for!’


Now take our roads! Please somebody do something, before we all end up in hospital with serious injuries!  I questioned one of our local laddies and he went berserk about the Government not giving them enough money to do the job, and the funny thing of all it was reported in the news that the government had issued enough funds to each local Council to do the roads and pavements.


This report can be found on the Internet:- In 2021 the Government gave a share of £2.7 Billion to local Highway Maintenance Councils to cover repairs of Potholes between the years of 2022 and 2025 and an additional budget this year 2023 to Highways Maintenance and Pothole Repair Fund of 200 Million which amounted to £2,360,000 to East Sussex.  I’m not, by any stretch of the imagination a magic mathematician, but in 2022 there were no movements to repair any roads of hazardous holes or pavement slabs out of alignment. I was informed by the same Councillor that they had not received any money – who is telling Porky Pies!


Very slowly and it appears to be with some reluctance of the Highways Maintenance for this area, repairs are being done in East Sussex, but not fast enough.  Going out for a ride in your vehicle in East Sussex, you are risking your life and limb and any passengers you have with you.


Again I ask “Where has the money gone?”


It has been alleged that hiring aircraft to fly over, say as an example, the town of Eastbourne every month to see what the public are doing is not what we pay Councillors to do.


There are no roads or pavements in the sky.


A few Conservative Leaders on and our final man in charge, we’re all hoping he is going to do the right thing and serve the public!



The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding this content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.



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