Rachel Down joins The Sussex Newspaper

Rachel Down is the author of Be Candida Free, has developed multiple gut health programs including the Boost your Gut Health in 30-days eBook, and is the Founder of Boil and Broth, an online health and wellness company selling homemade bone broths, probiotic drinks and wellness products using only organic ingredients.  She is a BSc Health Science student, a qualified personal trainer and previously studied nutrition to Diploma level. Rachel has also worked in performance sport and spent time in Australia working as a Sports Trainer for several high-performance clubs.

Rachel started her Boil and Broth business back in 2018 after she found the products she was making helped her to lose 6 stone in 2 years. After the birth of her children, Rachel suffered from infections, unexplained weight gain and many digestive issues.  Rachel was unable to find support through the NHS, so used her previous health knowledge to research her condition online. This led Rachel to discover gut health and more specifically a condition called Candida overgrowth which isn’t recognised on the NHS.  Rachel designed her own diet and included her bone broth and fermented drinks in her daily regime and within 12 weeks she lost 2.5 stone in weight and was completely symptom free.

Empowered to share her story, Rachel went into business and started a Health Science degree to help other people along their own health journey. She has helped educate thousands of people about gut health and natural medicine through her website, social media platforms, books, diets and more. Rachel strongly believes it is a very important time for people to take their own health in their own hands and to understand that the function of the gut plays a critical part in the body’s immune system.

Rachel’s own experience and success in these areas has allowed her to join the very topical and crucial debate on immunisation versus alternative therapies and Rachel welcomes the opportunity to give people knowledge-based choice on this subject.

Rachel will be writing a regular column for The Sussex Newspaper starting from next month.

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