Do “Resolutions” or Influences work, or not?

Well happy new year to everyone, and yes another fifty two weeks have slipped or sped past again, so It’s that time for new year resolutions, commitments or perhaps just “lip service” for those hopes and aspirational changes. I actually think if we want to make a change it should be at the time of idea conception, rather than waiting for a new year. However that is just my opinion and in true poetic vogue I will suggest or nudge, but not decree what should happen.

Influences are apparently defined as powers or abilities that can affect another persons beliefs or actions, so not really resolutions then, so it’s down to you if your determination for your resolutions fail. Sorry about that, but influences are virtually external to us it seems, so perhaps as a suggestion people should make “new year influences instead of resolutions, but maybe I’m just being my sardonic self again. Best then to move swiftly on, and my best way here is with a poem, from my new and fourth book “Life Scene in Verse” reflection section, and entitled “Ghost”.


I have my own personal ghost,

You can’t see him but he’s there.

When I’m alone I talk to him

And so my existence I will share.

We discuss things when life’s difficult

And I don’t know what to do.

I am not too sure if he does talk back

But it’s like another person’s view,

On what to do, or what to say,

Or maybe how best to proceed.

So I get an inner confidence

And my echoes advice I heed.

This ghost of mine is real to me

And he even has a name,

Though it’s probably no great surprise

That his and mine are the same,

For when talking I will use it

As I would address a human friend,

Knowing my ghost will be around

Until my days come to an end.

So I guess now that I am aware

That It’s my conscience not a ghost,

But to me it doesn’t matter

If having integrity I can boast!

Well if our conscience is another form of resolution, that could well make things even more interesting. I mean we might think that we won’t eat that extra piece of cake or have another pint because our conscience tells us not to. In other words then we know that they may make us fat, which is probably not wanted, and if we do have the cake or beer, the recognition that it’s our decision and own fault plays on our conscience as well? Possibly no escaping that one, so now we have probably failed a resolution and upset our conscience too? Tricky that and so we need some help, oh good here is that help in my next poem and aptly called “Guardian Angel”, which is from my 3rd book.

Guardian Angel

To keep me out of trouble

I have a guardian angel bold,

Who makes sure I toe the line

And do exactly as I’m told.

So I should stay completely safe

And on the straight and narrow track,

For with my lookout and adviser

Someone always has my back,

To ensure that from any problems

I am always free, and safely steered,

As my angel will redirect me

If any wrecking rocks are neared.

Thus I had set out in life

Confident I would commit no crime,

Like falling foul of Albatross

Or talking loudly all the time!

So my conscience would be clear

My character wouldn’t have a stain,

And if invited out for dinner

I’d have an invitation back again.

But oh, I did get in some mischief

And into major problems I did leap,

So why didn’t my angel protect me?

Because the bugger had fell asleep!

Yes, well a guardian angel may not always help after all then, so perhaps we are getting round to thinking “hey it could be my fault that it went wrong”, but possibly a bit premature for that, but give me time!

So if a a good influence hasn’t totally worked and the things going wrong or just not working, just like those resolutions and commitments at the start, then maybe we can call up a guiding light? That surely must keep us on the straight and narrow with adherence to the said resolutions, so all will be well. Cue another poem, and with perfect poetic cunning from me it is called “Guiding Light”…….

Guiding Light

It took a time to move me

More a nudging than a push,

And when I finally did react

It was quite slow, and not a whoosh.

But steadily laid foundations

Are mostly very strong,

And when we laid our cards out

We saw nothing was wrong.

And so within an understanding

The way was open to proceed.

Thus I felt quite contented

To follow on behind your lead.

So to where it would take us

Be it quite near or very far,

For whatever could be lost

If I followed a guiding star?

To perhaps a unique experience

Or something more to gain,

As I like to have distractions

After which you’re not the same.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Is a great saying that I love,

And with no preconceived ideas

You may even reach stars above!

So a guiding light can take you anywhere it wants, good or bad, safe or risky, but you followed, nobody made you do it, unless you were persuaded by the influences and perceptions working on your good self. Or not such a good self now? Oh dear this is getting quite complex and the answer is getting even more ominous I fear!

Before we contemplate the unthinkable, but increasingly likely, about our actions, resolutions, commitments or quite frankly any decisions or choices we make, let us plead a case “your Honour”.

For example we are subject to bombardment from advertisements and other media to buy this, eat that and go there, alongside our peers and their opinions and influences too, so surely we are led to the failure of those resolutions we made? Wrong, sadly wrong, and even worse with an intrusive conscience in the mix now, we know we are wrong, so hey, maybe enjoy those indiscretions because they will have their repercussions anyway! So all together now, ho ho, Happy New Year!!!….. ? Quick the last poem and called “Recall”.


Ghosts from our early life

May come back to haunt,

Playing down the fun times

While bad days they’ll flaunt.

So how best to deal with this

Recall of past days and years?

Being morbid wishing for change

And spending your future in tears?

Far better to learn from times

You made the wrong bet or call.

Indulging days that you enjoyed

With good prospects and no squall!

All sorted now then! It was me Governor, my decisions, my fault, nobody else’s, but oh those flipping external influences……..

All four of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life

More Poetic Views of Life

Reviews of Life in Verse &

Life Scene in Verse,

Will all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.

My first 3 books are only priced £4. 99 each, with my 4th and bigger book (Life Scene in Verse) at £6.99 are all for sale on Amazon, or from me ………….. Or 07967 355236

I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”

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