Review – Peter Pan – E.M. Forster Theatre, Tonbridge

Take one of the greatest pantomime stories of all time, J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan, and choose as the opening number a song from one of the greatest children’s films of all time, Step in Time from Mary Poppins, and within 20 seconds you will have the capacity audience eating out of your hands – This is theory behind Wicked Productions 2019 pantomime and it works like a dream!

Many of the Tonbridge audience have experienced a Wicked Productions pantomime before, as they have a tremendously loyal fan base who turn up every year, and they know that they will be entertained by a top class production and, once again, their extremely high expectations are exceeded.

Writer / Producer / Director Tom Swift is the creative genius behind the show and, as he also takes on the pivotal role of Mr Smee, he is in just the right place to make sure that his vision is delivered. His anarchic style is well known and very well loved by the “regulars” the only question is… How far will he go this year?

With the help of the fabulous Michael Fenton Stevens as Sea-Dog Sally, they deliver their lines with the skill and precision of the greatest surgeon, cutting right through the “fourth wall” and inviting the very willing audience in. The set-piece panto routines all have original twists to them, showing how willingly they think and move “outside the box” to ensure that the show is fresh and vibrant.

TV favourite Chris Ellison, D.I. Frank Burnside in The Bill, wastes no time in getting the entire audience to “boo” and “hiss” at his performance as the dastardly Captain Hook. No long flowing wig and tricorn hat here, there is just a bandana and a menacing sneer to terrify the little ones, and it works very well.

The hero of the tale is played by the dashing handsome and youthful (he may have paid me to say that) David Young. He flies around the stage with ease and has that elusive mix of cockiness and vulnerability that only the very best “Pans” have, a mixture that appeals to young and old alike, ensuring that the audience are with him every step of the way to the finale.

Lauren Brindley, as Wendy, together with the boys who play Michael and John (Oscar Taylor, Frankie Treadaway, Alex D’cruze, Ben Salter, Cody Evans and Kit Cranston), are very confident in their roles as is Verity Rae Martin in the dual roles of Mrs Darling and Tiger Lily.

Pirate Swash (Shivonne Donovan) and Pirate Buckle (camped up to the max by Ant White) display superb comic timing and, together with the ensemble dancers (Megan Bannister, Hollie Evans, Emma Leagas, Rosie Kitchington and Jemima Dawes), they make up the crew of the Jolly Roger and all work very hard to deliver Carla Nicholson Fuller‘s demanding choreography.

Wicked Productions always go the extra mile to create an extra special pantomime experience and, this year, it has to be Peter’s Never-Dragon that takes the honour for the most unexpected surprise – and the biggest “Wow Factor” in what is a truly outstanding festive treat for the whole family.

*****          Five Stars

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