Sometimes driving on Eastbourne Roads can be dangerous.  Not only does one have to avoid potholes but also the super-duper highly charged four wheeled drive Jeep type of car with a maniac behind the wheel can be equally as treacherous as a hole in the road – the type that states make way I’m more important than you are because I have a larger car.

It would be nice if in normal use of the road if persons driving their vehicles would be more Christian and acknowledge a kindness instead of thinking their needs are more essential and they don’t need to flash their lights or anything.

It used to be persons driving up a hill that had the right of way – not anymore, it appears to be free-for-all-attitude.  Maybe we are getting ready for the horse and cart evolution to come along and really the way some people drive, it can’t come soon enough for me.

I have noticed this weekend that cars are taking more chances by going through a red light especially at the top end of Victoria Drive as two large black 4 by 4 cars coming down from the coast road turned right where I was waiting and the lights for me were green.  Had I moved off there would have been a collision, unhappily I was unable to read the number plates as they were speeding at the time.  Going over the speed limit to get to an appointed destination doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to get there in one piece.  Ruining your own life by taking chances usually means you ruin other people’s lives as well.

To the pig-headed and road-hogs on the roads today this may not mean a lot because of their selfish ways and how important they think they are to the community or maybe they don’t understand how to behave on the roads or maybe any important message goes in the left ear and comes out of the right ear as there is nothing there to stop it.

Pity that all traffic lights don’t have cameras fitted – I’m sure that drivers would be a lot more careful!

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