Scam Scum

Having just watched a television programme regarding how scammers can hoodwink other people in broad daylight, a Mother and Daughter visited a Modelling Agency after being informed of the Daughter’s successful photo shoot. The company’s representative duped both parties into handing over £300 and then were forced to make out a Direct Debit for the remaining fee which amounted to over £700. It is not up to the Model to pay out vast sums of money as having made inquiries regarding this, I have read from a Top Modelling Agency that their policy is that there shouldn’t be any money passed between a model and the company for Portfolio Photographs.

It was like taking Candy from a baby until they were found out.




ESCC have made more room for parking for Blue Badge Holders, but have decimated Blue Badge Holders in Eastbourne to such an extent that there are a lot more vacant spaces available and I note that Commercial Vehicles have been allowed to park in those spaces even on a Sunday. Are the Police turning a blind eye to this gross infringement in parking? Some Blue Badge Holders have been denied a further three years contract and in some cases the powers that be have made dire errors in refusing renewal and I know the people personally who were denied. I am surprised that ESCC staff are still in office when you think of all mistakes they have made. The state of roads and pavements that have caused accidents to both drivers and their vehicles and having to pay out vast sums of money through claims being made by the public. The waste of painting our roads with silly and useless lines, a good example is Devonshire Place in Eastbourne, a cycle lane nearly in the middle of the road and with parking both sides of the road and in the middle, it is impossible for a wide sided vehicle to travel safely along without infringing the cycle lane and having to weave around vehicles parked in the central reservation. The air must rush through ESCC MEMBERS from one ear to the other ear with nothing in between to stop it! More money is now to be wasted in removing these lines




Eastbourne Borough Council join the “Shame Game!” It is rather disgusting! It is about a Lady who lives in Eastbourne who relies on total help 24/7 as she is an invalid. She applied to have a grant from the EBC which would be added to her amount that she had scraped together to have her bedroom extended and modifications done in regards to placing a hoist to help getting in and out of bed. She had a friend who is an Architect and another friend who is a builder and everything was set to go when the grant was withdrawn. The reason being that EBC wanted their own Architect and builder to do the work which would have cost her twice as much. I always thought that EBC was supposed to help the people of Eastbourne, not use scam methods. I have come to the conclusion you can’t trust anybody these days.

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