What are they spraying on our heads?

The currently used name for the horizon to horizon white streaks in the sky are ‘Chem-trails’. Chemicals sprayed from large aircraft usually creating a  grid pattern in the sky.

No problem telling the difference between Chem-trails and the more familiar and harmless vapour trails which evaporate at the same speed as an aircraft is traveling. Chem-trails do not disperse but spread and widen to form what appears to be cloud. Once the grid is complete the sky above can easily be described as ‘overcast’ and any chance of sunlight getting through is destroyed.

For a long time now I have kept a vigilant eye on the phenomenon. By simply entering ‘Chemtrails into my PC the first time I was initially amazed at how much global alarm had already including reports and details of the latest efforts to discover exactly what is being jettisoned on innocent folk, animals and crops and by who’s instruction. Evidently this has been going on for 15 years and not expected to stop soon?

One article claimed that by spraying crops on a massive scale with aluminum dust and a couple of other toxins lethal to humans, natural crops would fail and world markets could be swamped with genetically modified crops. (Frying pan into the Fire)

Until very recently I had with caution accepted a constantly repeated ‘Official’ story suggesting that by creating the cloud formations the screening effect on the suns rays allows the earth to remain below the threatened 1% rise in temperature and so saving the ice cap from further melting. Sounded practical but a little implausible considering I had seen these being formed late evening, when the sun had already gone down!!

The joy  of early morning sunshine raises the spirit and sets a smile on the face of passers by. However for over two years I have not seen our local sunshine last for more than a couple of hours once the streaks have done their job. By early afternoon our entire sky is overcast and gloomy, regularly.

Of course ‘The Story Goes On’ until we finally have the truth. Or maybe that will not be too good to learn?

Today I read an article ‘’What Chemtrails Really Are’’ by Texan born Carolyn Williams

Palit and written back in 2011. This has to be the most mind boggling tale ever, so much so it could actually be true!! Now that really is scary.

It appears that because of her article and continued efforts to get her message out there, she say’s she is being ‘Disappeared’. I cannot tell more at this time but if you are interested enter rense.com and Carolyn Williams Palit.

This may seem implausible but so was the suggestion the world is round at one time. Take a look and make your own mind up.


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The entire content of this article is based solely on the writer reporting personal experiences and no suggestion or advice is offered or intended. Any actions taken by the reader is at the readers risk, no liability is accepted by the writer or the publisher.

‘’MOWGLI’’ –   30/09/14         ©

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