Summer Sun Shines on Tunbridge Wells Panto Launch (part 2)


After chatting with the wonderful Su Pollard, who plays the Wicked Queen in Snow White, I then had a chat with, looking stunning in a huge nurses outfit and a massive bright pink wig, Jamie Steen, who takes on the role of Nursie…

So Jamie, how long have you played a Dame?

My first dame was Mother Goose in 1996 and then I played dame for a few more years before I went into a double act where we played sisters for 6 or 7 years and then I went back to being a dame four years ago.

Always the same character?

Oh no, I go wherever Martin Dodd, the Producer, wants me so I get to play all the dames, but I have played Nursie, my character in Snow White, for three years now for Martin. He’s moved a lot of the cast who performed in Blackpool last Christmas down to Tunbridge Wells for this year, I think it’s because we worked so well up there.

If you’re doing the same show year after year, how much does it change?

Oh lots, yes it does. Like this year I’m working with Jamie Rickers, as Muddles, and, because he’s a different comic, the way that Jamie works and the way the comic worked last year will be totally different so it changes the whole aspect of my side of the show.

And the costumes? 

All mine! I will have twelve costume changes in this show, I think, because you never see me in the same costume twice. Every time I make an entrance in this show, I’ll be wearing a new costume – even if the dresser only has 30 seconds to help me do the change, we’ll do it!

Designing your own costumes must take an awful lot of work.

Well, I’m having two completely new costumes made for this year in Tunbridge Wells. Sadly, I can’t tell you anything about them because I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but I can tell you that the design drawings for them were started back in May, the fabrics were chosen in June and my costume maker will be coming back to me next week with final designs and then the finished product in October – I’m very fussy you see!

Why do you think it is that panto never fades ? 

I think it’s because it really suits the British sense of humour and it’s the kind of show that’s for everybody in the family, whether you are four or ninety four, and you can all sit there and really enjoy it, all on different levels. There’s slapstick, there’s a few naughty little bits, there’s innuendo and a lot of music and I think, a lot of the time, it’s the only time that everybody can go to see a show and all have a good laugh.

In a scene that is almost reminiscent of the most vivid Disney dream, I am now joined by the simply gorgeous Millie Booth who looks so much like Snow White it is as if she has just stepped out of the original 1937 movie and appeared before my eyes.

Is this your first time playing Snow White? 

No, this is my second time as Snow White, my first was in Blackpool last year. I have played in other pantomimes before, but Snow White is my favourite, she’s so much fun. I’ve worked with some of this cast before and we just had so much fun together last year that I am really looking forward to all the antics they will get up to this year.

The thing is, rehearsals are always really intense. We have such a huge amount to cram in to just a few days so then, once the run starts, we can relax a bit and let some of the silliness begin. As the Princess I feel like it’s my duty to try and rise above that and to behave myself, but I think that, most times, that just makes me more of a target.

We are now joined by Chris Warner Drake who plays the Handsome Prince and the interview continues with both actors.

Are you a naughty Prince who might be a little bit silly on stage? 

Oh no, I’m terribly well behaved. I think, the thing is, Snow White blames the Prince for messing around when really it’s her who is the naughty minx. Don’t be fooled by that sweet smile, it’s all an act, after all, don’t forget, she was living with seven men when I met her! Then, she meets me and she falls for me in one second, she’s very “quick” like that.

Chris, are you a regular Prince Charming?

I am indeed a regular Prince Charming. yes. I go at least twice a day…that’s a quick panto gag for you there. No, seriously, I have played the Prince before, this is my second Snow White.

What is the secret to being a good Prince? 

Well, the way I play the Prince is a bit like a cross between Flynn Rider from Tangled and Johnny Bravo which makes him, what I like to call, adorably stupid – and incredibly handsome! It’s a combination of being ridiculously cheesy and charming, but in a lovable way not a chauvinistic way.

To be fair, when you have girls who fall in love with you the first time they see you, and they are easily impressed with looks rather than substance, intelligence is not really required so the Prince is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

(SW) I just thought you looked rich.

Oh I see, look at that, she’s a money grabber too!

(SW) When we did my interview I was on my very best behaviour and now look what’s happened!  I was being so good and so honest and now you’re slandering my character.

Ok, finally, let’s be serious, what else do you do when you are not playing the Prince?

Well I am doing a film at the moment, so I am in rehearsals for that now and I start filming in a couple of weeks and we film that until the end of October and then I start another movie which will keep me busy through November and then I get into panto mode to play the Prince after that. We start rehearsals on November 28th and then we have ten days to get it all done because we open on December 9th, so that is really hard work for us.

Jamie Steen plays Nursie, Millie Booth is Snow White, and Chris Warner-Drake appears as The Prince, together with Su Pollard as the Wicked Queen and Jamie Rickers as Muddles in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at the Assembly Hall Theatre, Tunbridge Wells from Friday 9th December 2016 until Monday 2nd January 2017. Please call the box office on 01892 530613 or go online at for more details including performance times and ticket prices.

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