The Night Manager!

Has anybody seen this dramatic series about a person who is pretending to be good, selling armaments under the pretence of Farm Machinery and at the end that person gets his “Just Desserts?!”    THAT’S FICTION!


I have seen lots of things in my life and many not very pleasant and quite recently I shared on Facebook, someone stripped of all dignity.  Someone seriously ill! Someone dying alone!  Someone that belonged to someone else! And while this onslaught was going on, someone was worried because their holiday had been cancelled and lost their deposit, even though they booked during LOCKDOWN.


These selfish persons can’t see beyond their noses that their actions are causing this pandemic to carry on and also to refuse to wear a mask because they have a problem should have in their possession a physical record stating so – if not they should be fined. These persons are inflicting death on other people and holding them to ransom who are waiting for life saving operations because of their attitude.


These same selfish persons are not bothered that Doctors, Nurses and Care Workers are at breaking point trying to save lives.  They don’t care that experts are making decisions that are not always favourable.  Having to decide who to save and who can’t be saved!


Having viewed a short film taken by a co-worker in a hospital of the conditions that exist where everybody is running round treating people as best they can and Doctors, Nurses and Care Workers breaking down through fatigue and someone dying can’t be easy to live with and all because of the futility of increasing cases of Covid-19 that some people think doesn’t exist.




The person who drove188 miles from one county to another to see a relative should not only be heavily fined but have a custodian sentence – perhaps that will deter others making bad judgements.  I must be a bit naïve, but I always thought the British people were sensible as they were in the last World War – but of course these are some of the sons and daughters of that generation that haven’t been taught the difference between right and wrong!  Up to now things have been good and now this Covid-19 and variant has come along and spoilt their lives. Someone tell them for pity sake – we are all in the same boat!


The sooner people do the right thing, follow the government guidelines and not keep coming up with stupid excuses of not understanding what the government is telling them the sooner this will be a past and distant memory!


The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding this content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.


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