Truth Brings Triumph

I had been the one stopping my success. Learning a spiritual axiom that what I focus on grows brought a new focal point. I needed my main emphasis to be on truth. With pen and paper, I began to take an inventory of all my fears, anger, resentments, and behaviors I had learned growing up, that were preventing a better life. Continuing to take inventory has brought more space for successful feelings.

I listed each one with complete honesty. I began with resentments. I was not getting my way and life was not the way I wanted. In each case in the past, I had blamed others for my problems; this left me feeling emotionally insecure, powerless, and hopeless. I found this gave my power to them.

My life was not in harmony. I discovered that I often had an emotional hangover that took my focus off enjoying my present day. I was trying to control my life from my antagonism of others. Over time, I realized this was an immature response. I was not in charge of their life. This kept me a victim. I had pointed my finger at those people being my problems, while three fingers pointed back at me. It did take a while to recognize that I was the enemy and I had to take responsibility for myself and how I conduct my life. I had been hurting myself, while they did not even know how fraught I was.

Trauma, abuse, or violence may be hidden until later years of life. Regression therapy offers the opportunity to heal those things from childhood or the past that are repressed and become survival mechanisms. Hypnosis is a simple way to release the resistance in life’s struggles into a new higher consciousness of understanding.

When I become an adult, it becomes time to resolve these issues and move forward into an emotionally mature place. I now help clients transform their resentment through Therapeutic Hypnosis and guided meditation addressing the root cause of pain and suffering that is blocking happiness and freedom.

As I released each negative thought, communication, or conduct and replaced it with love and grace, I grew into a new person. This filled my inner void with the truth of who I am. I was not dependent on what my family or society said about me any longer. I could stop reacting to situations around me and begin to respond in loving responses to others and myself.

An inventory identifies my past and worries about the future, which is where my head had been for all this time. Even though I looked like an adult, my scared little girl was there. I saw my immaturity in reacting with anger. Through prayer, meditation, and regression therapy I released painful emotions and then restored a new picture into a loving healed solution.

Taking responsibility for my life included making amends to those I harmed in the past. Owning up to my selfishness, dishonesty, and self-centeredness was not easy. However, it became necessary to be honest in all parts of my life. It actually freed me. I could move from volunteering to be a victim into being the victor.
Healing my past with forgiveness was new to me. I learned to give up the past for a new day. I had to forgive myself, too. I prayed to forgive individually, each person, circumstances, or dilemma. My old mind changed to a new focus of being in reality. My new mind was on being present. This transformed me into the moment, which is all there is.

I am the most hard on myself with guilt, shame, or other old emotional hangovers. Learning every experience was a lesson to learn gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love was a new center of attention. As my gratitude grows so does my compassion for those I was deeply into resentment. They played that part for my growth. They were the perfect person playing out the scenario I needed to cause me to change.

In the present is where I can find courage, answers, and opportunities. Now, I can do the next right thing and stay in reality with my head free of the past. Being in the present is a gift of personal power, when it is used rightly. I had to align my energy with the universal love that was in my heart. The right use of will power is the secret.

My book “Road to Success” is now available on, along with my nine other books. Check out my blog and website at My 168 Lectures, interviews, and spiritual information on You Tube are at

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