The Untouchables

The smug B’s of this world who fleece Joe Public right, left and centre and having dotted all the I’s and crossed all the T’s have placed themselves just inside the law of the land and to us who are on the receiving end of this illegal wrong doing have to fight tooth and nail and at a cost to get our money back which is legally ours to begin with. These smug B’s with no conscience put a terrible strain on people who are wondering where the next penny is coming from while the penny-pinching B’s smile, are reaping the bonuses that should be ours. I’m writing about one company whom I am unable to name because of legal implications. These people are in a position of trust who run the country’s stocks and shares and the directors of this company think they can defraud people and get away with it.


It seems the government can’t do or won’t do anything about these people even though a crime is being committed before their very eyes and yet they expect people who have lost everything through no fault of their own, who have to pay taxes or alternatively go to prison – does this seem fair to you, the reader? I suppose if you’re a blood sucking rich B, you can be sure that the good conduct code laid down by your peers will make sure you get away with it. As I see it, if you’re rich, the punishment for fraud should be a prison sentence of no less than 20 years, and with no remission making sure these rich B’s don’t do it again.


Apparently I am not allowed to spell out what the Bastard B stands for!


There are some rich people out there who don’t pay any taxes at all and have thought of schemes whereby the guilty ones could avoid paying taxes altogether, if that is not criminal, I don’t know what is? The excuse is that HE/SHE has done so much for charity and although HE/SHE has defrauded the Inland Revenue of so many thousands of pounds and although HE/SHE is willing to pay their taxes now that they have been found out, we should just slap their wrists and tell them not to do it again even if they have received a honour from the Queen. We will pretend it never happened and boys will be boys or girls will be girls.


It might have escaped your mind Prime Minister that other groups and individuals do a lot more for charity and pay their taxes and if they don’t are you going to relax the law and let them off the hook as well. The law of the land has to work for all walks of life. I suppose it is a case of the old boy’s network.


We also have to take into consideration those MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT who have claimed thousands of pounds for houses they don’t live in and the ones that got away with it whilst on the other hand someone thought of a bedroom tax for JOE PUBLIC and no-one gets away with not paying.


The Untouchables   Continued……….


Hospital bosses who play Russian Roulette with people’s lives with economy drives and yet can spend thousands of pounds on something they, the bosses think is important but turns out to be nothing more than a trivial or pet project that they think after a fierce persuasion will be passed for action by a committee of one person – themselves!


If the inevitable happens and Eastbourne DGH becomes nothing more than a Cottage Hospital, I hope their wages will be on the same level, as we tax payers will be upset that the people who run Hospitals should be paid the same wage as a fully operational hospital.


What about the greedy Fat Cats who own the Energy Company that only made 1.5 Billion over one financial yea?. My heart really bleeds for them. With the loss of 370,000 customers over a certain period of time, what can this company expect when they raise the ante when people are still struggling to pay their other bills. I suppose the energy bosses will get their usual Christmas bonuses, along with their exorbitant pay that no doubt runs into five figures.


Making promises to keep prices down to a certain level to gain more customers and then breaking that promise because of investments into industry which is supposed to help customers, although our meters, pipelines and cables stay in the same place, what other improvements can they make for the customer?


Apparently if they don’t raise the ante, they threaten or is it blackmail JOE PUBLIC with POWER CUTS!


Taking second billing this time are members of EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL


All Roads lead to disaster!


At last work to smooth out and fill holes that have ruined many a vehicle is being done or are they. Roads that lead out of Eastbourne – YES! and would you believe it, with all the expert knowledge of road layouts and organisation at their fingertips, they have decided to do these major thoroughfares at the same time so as to snarl up traffic and to bring it to a total stand still – almost as bad as the M25 car park. Apart from anything else, they have totally ignored the fact (except Southfield Road being re-surfaced quite recently because of Eastbourne Buses making complaints of the uneven surface of the road) that more than 75% of the roads in Eastbourne and Willingdon are death traps for all vehicles.




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