5 Small Daily Actions for a Positive and Happier Life

One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day – Dalai Lama

Are you aware of your inner dialogue and the impact that it has on your daily life? From making everyday choices that shape your day to life changing decisions, your inner voice is talking to you all the time. Sometimes we hear it loud and clear and other times it is a faint whisper. Whether we hear it or not it is there in our subconscious, influencing our thoughts, reactions, and choices.

Our mind can be at its least helpful when we are going through challenges. When we are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, fearful, or sad is usually when we are at the most self-absorbed in our emotions. It is at these times when we can see only problems instead of solutions and opportunities.

So what can we do to help ourselves? We cannot always avoid upsetting situations, but I have learned that through being more mindful and kind to yourself, as well as through personal experience that that we can help ourselves to feel more positive through difficult times and live happier, more content lives.

Here are five small actions that you can do every day to help you stay positive even when you are being challenged.

  1. As Dalai Lama says have one small positive thought every morning, keep it simple e.g., today I am happy, today I will be productive, today is a good day, today the sun is shining, today I am grateful for all that I have in my life …

I believe that the first step to making changes is having awareness. Become aware of the negative thoughts, then change them to a positive e.g. I failed because my proposal was rejected…my proposal was rejected but the feedback I received has given me the opportunity to improve it.

  1. Surround yourself with positive people family, friends, work associates, those who lift you, inspire you, motivate and support you, and make you happy. Keep these people close and distance yourself from those who you feel are draining. It is not our responsibility to fix people.
  2. Take responsibility for your actions, when things do not go the way that you planned it is an opportunity for you to learn from your mistakes. You will also be less likely to pass the blame onto others, avoiding conflict and potentially making you feel like you are burden to.
  3. Give back, random acts kindness are feel good moments for everyone involved. Small gestures count too, holding a door open, smiling, taking the time to listen and talk, offering to run an errand or even doing it without telling them, or buying someone a surprise gift. Or do volunteer work in your community.
  1. Create a gratitude list, start with one thing that you are grateful for then keep adding to it every day. When you are feeling lost and need a boost, look at the list to remind yourself of all the wonderful things that you already have or achieved.

These actions, practiced over time have really helped me to get through the most challenging of times. They are part of my wellbeing toolkit that I reach into whenever I need it. By turning to these actions and repeating them I have noticed that I am able see problems as opportunities, more easily avoid conflict and stay happier and more peaceful within myself.

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