Sarah Stannard on life after lockdown

Sarah Stannard

With things getting back to normal after months of lockdown, lot’s of people are finding it tough to navigate. Are you feeling some anxiety? Perhaps you’re feeling a little sluggish and not ready to face the world again?  Here are my tips to help you feel revitalised as we return to normal life outside after Covid.

It’s totally fine to feel a little weird after so long in social isolation, it okay to feel odd about arranging coffee dates and dinners, almost like were all coming out from hibernation.

The trick is to go slowly and not rush, everyone is in the same boat and we are all a little like the walking wounded to a greater or lesser degree at this point.

First thing to prioritise is your nutrition. It’s time to up the nutrients and vitamins to give us the energy to return with gusto to all the busy things life throws at us.

Try to ensure your diet includes lots of fruit and vegetables along with healthy fats, proteins, whole grains and nuts. A healthy diet is the first step to looking and feeling your best. Who doesn’t want glowing skin, hair and nails! Check! Check! Check!

On top of this dig out all your favourite outfits, Maybe the on trend jumpsuit matched with high tops or mules …try them on and you’ll start to feel excited and ready to venture out and about.

Next to consider is alcohol, drinking in moderation is always you’re best bet but this might be hard when having a meal out with friends and those huge glasses of wine start flowing.

Enjoy a great evening but if you overindulge you might feel pretty unhappy the next morning when the hangover kicks in. Slow and steady wins the race and try and have plenty of water throughout the night.

Number 3 tip is sleep. A good nights sleep with prepare you for almost anything , with a full 7 /8 hours you’ll be bright eyed and bushy tailed everyday when you wake.

As we sleep, our brain begins to organise and process all the information you’ve taken on during the day. It converts your short-term memories into long-term memories. This helps you to learn and means that when you wake up, you can often see things more clearly. On top of this regular deep sleep also reduces stress, keeps our immune system healthy and helps regulate our weight too!

Last but not least is exercise, this one really packs a punch! Regular exercise is really great in helping reduce anxiety and improve your mood.

By choosing and doing an exercise you love you’ll be releasing happiness endorphins and so many other benefits too including, reducing the risk of heart attacks, strengthening your bones and muscles, improve mobility and increase your overall life expectancy. What’s not to love. If you find it hard to stick to a routine, perhaps get active with friends and family. Record your progress to keep you motivated and definitely choose an exercise you’ll enjoy.

If you would like to know more about me or arrange some Health & Wellness Coaching please check out


By Sarah Stannard

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3 years ago

These are all great tips Sarah, thanks. Moderation and being sensible (or mindful) is the key right? But also remembering to have fun 🙂

Xris Mason
Xris Mason
3 years ago

As we head into what I am calling “Newmal” there are many things to consider. Selfcare, which has gotten us through the pandemic will remain just as vital as we slowly come out of it.

Great insights and advice Sarah to stay healthy and well.

3 years ago

These are wonderful tips to help us all slowly come out of our hibernation. I love that the tips are simple and easy to incorporate into daily life. Can’t wait to see what Sarah has to say next month!

Andres Roberto
3 years ago

Hydration, sleep, exercise, healthy diet, and being good to yourself…..perfect recipe for looking good, feeling great and enjoying life! Great advice, Sarah!

Alissia Noirez
Alissia Noirez
3 years ago

Bravo! Brillant refreshing information and lots of very useful tips! Thank you 🙏 Sarah Stannard 👍😊

Clare Curran
Clare Curran
3 years ago

Good reminders of all we can do to make ourselves feel better during difficult times!

Clare Curran
Clare Curran
3 years ago

Good reminders of all we can do to make ourselves feel better during difficult times

3 years ago

Nice that after your advice and guidance helped me during lockdown, that you’re sharing great insights for emerging from lockdown too! Thank you so much Sarah!

3 years ago

Great article! Really great advice

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