At this time, our spiritual consciousness is being enhanced. We are experiencing a global awakening; the earth is in the process of elevating human consciousness. In past articles, the focus has been on the material world, which we see as solid with depth, width, and length. This is called third dimension in metaphysical terms. In the past, the planet earth was in a 3rd-dimensional awareness of duality. The end of the Mayan calendar signified the change of energies. The world is currently shifting into a higher awareness.

When we accept this adjustment of energy, our perceptions will alter into a higher discernment. The earth shifted vibrationally into a higher awareness from a more powerful energy from the Phonon Belt in 2012. The fourth dimension is a transitional phase, as we become more comfortable moving into the higher frequency of the fifth dimension of reality. The book of Revelations in the Bible is a symbolic account of the changes taking place. It is often referred to as a high-minded consciousness called heaven on earth.

Since 2012, more understanding of a spiritual world is revealed. Recognizing the possibility of seeing life without judgment, criticism, and condemnation, brings a new understanding. This expands our perceptions above past thoughts. An elevated vision allows unconditional love, peace, and prosperity. * Fifth-dimensional reality also is known as glory and ascension.

Wakefulness of our own power as sovereign free people without limitations is possible. In a 3rd-dimensional energy, the perceptions are of a physically manifested world. Our limited vision from the ego only allowed duality—a loveless, monetary power, and a struggle in a matrix system, which we all know too well. In duality judgment produces good, bad, right, wrong, and criticism.

The human ego-mind created an illusion of constraint from fear. Nothing grows in the dark. The higher dimension is the light now shining out the darkness for an unlimited understanding of the truth. The Light of the higher frequency of love is shining for a new life in reality and caring. Our spirit and every single cell of our body have always been multidimensional. When bypassing ego messages revelation moves us beyond the delusion of darkness.

According to Edgar Cayce, (1877-1945) who has been called the sleeping prophet, the Father of Holistic Medicine, and the most documented psychic of the 20th century, said, “The vibratory force is the active principle all radiates from.” In addition he stated, “Life as a material manifestation is the expression of that Universal force or Energy we call God”.

Because of the higher frequency, many people are experiencing a spiritual evolution with psychic abilities. This is evidenced with people that are more clairvoyant. Learning that our thoughts and emotions manifest themselves as energy of consciousness, it is easier now to comprehend the vibrations in the higher frequencies. With this latest ability, it is possible to change your consciousness into a more dynamic, kindhearted, and compassionate level. The light of truth can dispel unhealed ego emotions. One way to accomplish this is to use a Hawaiian prayer called Ho’oponopono.

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len is part of a legendary story. He cured every patient in the criminally insane ward in the Hawaiian State Hospital without ever seeing a patient. The hospital closed, as all the patients were able to leave and have a sound life. When using this prayer, we take responsibility for our faults we see in others. When we see others as a mirror, we are seeing ourselves. The prayer is I Love You, I’m Sorry, Forgive Me, Thank You.

When the past fears, angers, and resentments are resolved, the shift into a higher perspective is made with less struggle. Forgiving all past situations frees your consciousness to extend beyond the past limits from the ego. When we realize that, they were merely the product of a fearful human ego-mind. Healing past reactions is maturity

A person on the spiritual path recognizes that their script for life was written before they entered their body. Situations are the necessary lessons for emotional and spiritual growth beyond harms from the past. It is an opportunity to transform old reactions into loving solutions to accept reality. The circumstances allow growing beyond old behavior and answers into adulthood. This includes forgiving ourselves. In the Bible it is called becoming “a new creature”.

This new path is coming. Life may move in a fresh direction. Thoughts may shift into a new course. Emotions may produce new feelings. Even healing, health, well-being, and experiences will discover a new road. This higher-dimensional love and bliss are, to our ordinary, everyday hearts and minds unimaginable. The plan is divine. It is judicious to adjust your focus to the heart center and reconnect with the highest truth of your own soul.

Only when we are free of all emotional attachments to the past are we able in spirit to rise above the old life into the heavenly state of mind. It is possible to create beautiful experiences of truth, bliss, peace, oneness, and joy, in a higher state of being called heaven on earth.

*”The Real Meaning of 2012″, Marilyn L. Redmond, This book explains moving into a positive energy of consciousness beyond the duality into unconditional love from our Creator.

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