World Poetry Day: A gift

Well as It’s World Poetry Day I thought as your “resident” poet I would offer up…

Hyper Supermarkets

Perhaps one of the less attractive places to observe human behaviour that I love to write…

“Inn the Pub

It is written that all the world is a stage and we are merely players upon…

Mixed messages: For better or verse

We have probably nearly all heard of the old saying that “poppycock (in place of a…

Mixed messages: For better or verse?

We have probably nearly all heard of the old saying that “poppycock (in place of a…

Paradoxical poems for the season

One of the reasons I enjoy writing poetry, but hey own up Wilkie, probably my favourite…

The Psychy Poet looks at Domestic Abuse

Having seen an article recently on Domestic Violence, or Domestic Abuse as it is now called…

Reasons Why

Converting my thoughts, observations and emotions of life into verse is often quite therapeutic. Mostly I…