Three Steps to a New Life

I have overcome many illnesses and diseases to find the answers to their resolutions into sanity, wellness, and happiness. My experience, training, and meditations brought me answers not usually understood by the medical or psychology fields. They were answers that really work and bring results. My books, writing, blog, and website have answers to life problems. However, through healing my own life, I found some basic answers that work for most situations.

My own issues have brought me to discover that all our problems stem from some kind of fear. Often, we are so use to automatically reacting with ways to defend ourselves that we stay in survival, or masking our true feelings acting out in ways that lead us away from reality. We stay in behavior to protect ourselves, but in the big picture actually bring more harm over time. Fortunately, I am usually able to find the root cause of difficulties, illnesses, and fears.

There are three steps to bring relief to situation, circumstance, or people who have been harmful from the past. . Step One is to find forgiveness. During my own experience of my husband trying to kill me, I was told in the silence to “Forgive him for he knows not what he does”. I was too traumatized to refute this intuitive advice. Always, I was very obedient and in my fear I did what I was told. The angels circled around him so he could not move forward. He stood there like a statue as I prayed this. I was escorted out of the room by more angels, as I had to walk right past him out of the room.

Eighteen years later, I realized that in my trying to protect myself from my subconscious, it felt like an emotional attack to him. In trying to protect himself, he reacted. In unwittingly defending me, it was as if I were on the offensive. When I found he was acting out for his own defense visually, from my invisible attack, I had to give up my defensiveness. I had to send love, so that would return.

He had been deeply wounded as a child and was in extreme survival. It made sense that all people at some level are wounded. His harms were more intense than most people experience. I realized that all people have some kind of woundedness from which they are protecting themselves. If I send love to them, it softens their reaction. I read in A Course in Miracles “You who want peace can find it by complete forgiveness.”

I do not send forgiveness to let them off the hook, but for me to “give up the past” “for a new day”— forgive. I can the move forward in my life and leave it in the past as if I cut the ball and chain connecting us. Now, I am able to live in the moment which is a gift and why it is called The Present.

Step Two is to pray for the other person. As I continued to send prayers to him, he never touched me again. By praying, to forgive him, it was a way to send love and stop the terrifying conflict. What goes around comes around. This stopped the domestic violence. There is another quote from A Course in Miracles that showed me another answer. “Safety is the complete relinquishment of attack”.

Sending prays is sending love. It acts like the amour of God so there is no retaliation.
I learned a special prayer, Ho’oponopono Pray from a Hawaiian psychologist who was at a hospital for the mentally ill. He prayed this every day for each patient and over time the hospital was closed as all the patients were healed.

The prayer is simple “I am sorry, Forgive me, Thank you, and I Love you”. This allows me to take responsibility for writing the script where the other person agrees to teach me forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude for the opportunity to move into a higher consciousness. In other words, I take responsibility for those things happening to me are opportunities for my spiritual growth. He was my teacher, even though it was traumatic. I needed the intense lessons to turn to my Creator for help. Today, I realize that my husband and I were connected by having very similar childhoods of abuse. Nowadays, I have not only forgiveness, but also compassion for him and what he endured to play that part for me. Currently, I use this pray with all my past issues and harms.

Step Three is to live one day at a time. Living in the “Now” means my mind is not focused on the past or the future. The past is history and I can build the future from how I live today. I try to do something helpful to another each day for the next day to be enhanced. My future grows as I add to the positive thinking and behavior of my current day. It merges with tomorrow. With all my focus in the current minute, I accomplish more and it has more profundity as all my efforts are not split in my mind to other projects. There is less stress when I have a single focus. I am not overwhelmed with other things on my mind. I easily move to the right next thing with the same total focus and by the end of the day, it has gone smoothly and well. I feel fulfilled and successful. I had a good day.

If you would like to hear my interview, where I explain this on the internet it is at this link, It was a wonderful opportunity to share this message on YouTube and my Face Book Page/. My books are at and my newest book “A Spark of Truth” link is

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