THEM and US!

You wouldn’t think in this age there are still “THEM” and “US” attitudes and I think it is an outdated luxury that should be knocked on the head!  Those that have certain privileges because they are an appointed group of people who are “US” have voted for “THEM” to serve on the Council to represent “US” the people. As always they seem to represent themselves and on the face of this dilemma, only fools will carry on under a veil. The issue is simply a missed rubbish collection due to the Council allowing an outside Company placing another ultra-fast Broad Band cable under the pavements. Knowing this, the services that the four tax-payers pay has been overlooked because the Environmental Truck could not gain access to the road in question and now they have full dustbins of smelly rubbish outside their houses and two households have animals and their toiletry will have to go somewhere and if the dustbins become full, the bags will have to be left in the open air.  An open invitation card will not be necessary for wild life, Badgers, Foxes and especially the odd Rat or two will be visiting our area.  If it was one of “THEM” whose rubbish was not collected, I bet they would move heaven and earth to make a collection before the weekend.


The Tax-payer sent many emails to “THEM” and only two of “THEM” answered.  It is rather peculiar that out of ten emails sent to “THEM” this was a miserable reply.


The one of “THEM” that this tax-payer wrote to who was the main person in that Ward had decided to block any emails coming to him and when the tax-payer had received other emails back from his colleagues, he decided to write to the tax-payer in an hostile manner about the state of the roads and pavements.  Making out it was the fault of the tax-payer who had mentioned it in his email as an example that the Council had overlooked the roads and pavements for the past five years was in effect not a clever idea.  The main subject was the no collection of rubbish had been made to four dwellings and because living so near to the Downs which was a hazard in the norm of things and it appeared that some urgent action was needed.


Whilst we are on the subject of the state of pavements and roads, our Hospitals and Doctor’s Surgeries are full of people receiving treatment from uneven pavements and holes in the road and some drivers are having to do unnecessary repairs to their vehicles because the local Council who are responsible for Roads and Pavements are not doing what they are paid for, making it safe for all people, young and old. Some injuries are very serious and if these people who are supposed to be in charge really cared they would do something about it.  For five years the roads and pavements have become steadily got worse.  I was told by a spokesperson who worked for the local Council that pavements won’t be repaired if they are an inch and a quarter out of sync with the next slab.


That seemed all wrong to me as I used to walk on slabs of pavement that were flat and now we have to walk around looking down all the time.  It looks like becoming a Councillor has its perks, do sod all and get paid for it, as one Conservative told me at an event my wife and I were hosting.  He didn’t know I wrote Political Columns for two newspapers or maybe he did and was hoping to trap me!  I see he is still serving as a Councillor.  Obviously he’s fooled everybody into believing he does some good.


He’s like one of those persons that you think he’s walking towards you to help, but in reality he’s walking backwards.



The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding this content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

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