There is always more to learn on the path of spirituality and personal growth. I will…

Mind your features and benefits

When developing marketing and sales content for their business it’s easy for business owners and their…

5 Key Things to Include in a Legal Contract

Having a contract in place which protects you and your business is vital to create success.…

3 ways to keep energised this Summer

I don’t know about you but as soon as the summer heat begins to hit the…

Lorna Ive joins the team at The Sussex Newspaper

I am  Lorna Ive, Menopause Specialist, Women’s health Advocate, Founder, ChangeMaker and Social Media Strategist. A…

Gone But Not Forgotten: Street Cat Bob

You might think me mad, but I’m not embarrassed to admit that, having spent many years…

To Care, or Not to Care?: Have We Been Forced To Abandon Our Elderly?

I was reading an article this week about how care home visiting has evolved throughout the…

June 2021: Re-opening pains

So… I was hoping to write this month’s post about a return to normality with all…