My life was unmanageable. I married thinking I could improve my life and my husband to create a happier family. I found later that the family I created felt familiar. The dyfunctionality was still very much alive. My life had the same problems that I was trying to escape. If I can transform my life, anyone can.

Growing up I tried to be accepted by my family by earning honors as being valedictorian, recognition when soloing on the flute with the Bellingham Symphony, and acknowledgement as an excellent teacher. With my long list of achievements, my family never did praise or congratulate me for all my hard work or completing 7 years of college with honors. In fact, these outer successes did not provide the missing feelings of being fulfilled, loved, and safe.

My plan was to create the cheerful family. After 30 years, this was not happening. I became tired from my determined efforts. At first, it was difficult to realize that my trying so hard to have a happy and positive family was not working. When trying to set the stage for a great outcome and to be safe, things seemed to fall apart. Life did not turn out as I envisioned and tried earnestly to work out.

A common explanation of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. I had nothing to lose by trying something different. Looking for new answers for life became imperative in my situation. After years of misery and unhappiness, I finally had to find answers. When it became a matter of life and death, ultimately, I prayed, “God please help me, I really don’t want to die”

I was naïve thinking my prayer would not be answered. However, my prayer brought me to a turning point, where I was willing to be open to new ways of thinking and handling my life. Promptly, I found myself in counseling, support groups, and classes to help find healthy information for my life. The crisis, chaos, and turmoil in my life were like a hurricane. Moving into the “eye of the hurricane” where there is peace and calmness sounded wonderful to me. I wanted to be at-ease instead of always in anxiety and fear. I guardedly tried these new ways that appeared seemly out of nowhere.

The past became history and forgiven. Today, I live in the “Now”. I am courageous, no longer a victim, and healthier. My life is no longer chaotic, in turmoil, or threatening. It feels like heaven on earth with peace of mind and prosperity. I am able to honestly communicate my needs, share my feelings, and trust a higher power. For many years, I have been in a healthy partnership with my boyfriend of unconditional love. I am in joy, with gratitude and in the presence of love.

I can allow the achievement of anything that I desire be considered success, whether it is an award, money, relationships, or good feelings. My standard of success is my achievement of joy. Then everything else will fall easily into place. For in experiencing joy, I find vibrational alignment with the treasures of the Universe.

The good part of this means God’s love is reality. I had run away from reality because I was afraid of love. Now, I can trust a God who loves me, instead of looking to untrustworthy parents or an abusive husband. Trust in a higher power gave me the ability to communicate my needs, feelings and be myself. I am happy, joyous, and free from the ego’s messages. I found “joyful acceptance” in all parts of my life. Life is good. Life is love. That love within my heart can now completely open to love others as I love myself. Everything is unfolding perfectly. Life is to enjoy!

Life is Love: Affirmations for Living

By Marilyn Redmond

It is okay to be one with God!
It’s okay to feel good.
It’s okay to enjoy love.
It’s okay to share love.
It’s okay to move in love.
It’s okay to express love.
It’s okay to experience love.
It’s okay to be filled with love
It’s okay to allow love to flow in my life
It’s okay to have love flow through me, for my health.
It’s okay to have love nurture me.
It’s okay to thrive in love.
It’s okay to create in love.
It’s okay to allow love.
It’s okay to live in love.
It’s okay to give love.
It’s okay to be love.
It’s okay to accept the great present of love. ©2014

I share my answers and solutions in my books at Amazon and on line at Barnes and Nobel. “Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You” has the steps to enrich your life into love and grace.

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