Is it right to criticise our firemen who courageously face each day and night every week fighting to quell fires?  It must be daunting facing any fire hazard and although one would state, “They are supposed to be experts at fighting fires!”  One can’t visualise what faces them each time and also having to think on their feet the best way to tackle a blaze.  A decision taken is always going to be a problem if the situation becomes more dangerous than was expected.


I feel for those who lost their lives at Grenfell House and their relatives and I found it very hard to believe that the first fire person who reached that location made the wrong decision. I understand the blaze was more than halfway up the building when the second and third crew arrived and there was footage from someone’s telephone of the fire as they travelled towards the building.


Literally, the firemen have only split seconds to judge how a fire is going to spread and with the cladding – no one knew excepting the builders who had fitted it and they weren’t around to say any different or even own up that it wasn’t fire proof!


It’s not like a walk in the park!  Everyone is under extreme pressure and with a wall of fire and smoke on three sides and a building almost engulfed in flames, the fire fighters had no hope and it was a miracle that they managed to rescue 65 persons from a burnt-out shell of a building and had the firemen been called earlier perhaps it would have been a much different outcome.


These so-called pundits that started this enquiry ought to be ashamed of themselves for laying the blame onto the Firemen – surely the first call should be on the builders and I understand there are another 220 buildings with this cladding still attached and nothing has been done to strip these dangerous panels off.  It wasn’t helpful when a member of parliament decided to stick his oar in and make tactless remarks about this terrible incident.  So like the Conservative Government members – nothing between the ears!


Carole Malone who writes in the Daily Express stated it most succinctly – “How many people would rush into a burning building?”


The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

Next time: Facebook – Is it safe as the owners state it is?

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