Could changing your sleep habits help you lose weight?

One area of weight loss that is commonly overlooked is sleep management.  Insufficient and interrupted sleep has been shown to alter weight, dietary behaviours and how much energy we burn during a day. The relationship between sleep and weight gain is slightly different in adults and children. In children, poor quality sleep is commonly associated with higher levels of screen time and increased levels of sedentary behaviour.  It is these factors, which are more closely linked to increased weight and risk of obesity in children. In adults, the impact of sleep on weight is more complex. Poor quality sleep has the ability to alter our appetite hormones and blood sugar balance. It changes the normal cascade of the hormones associated with hunger as well as those that satiate us and make us feel full after a meal. This means that we will feel hungrier than normal, and not feel satisfied when we are eating a meal. After a bad night’s sleep, you will see this in the form of more frequent snacking and larger portions. It also plays havoc with our ability to keep our blood sugar levels stable. Due to this instability, our body and neurochemistry direct us toward foods that are higher in sugar and more calorie-dense. It is this scenario that creates the perfect storm for weight gain.

What exactly is poor quality sleep?

There are many ways that sleep can be negatively impacted. It could mean waking regularly throughout the night, as is seen in parents of children who wake regularly throughout the night or those with partners who snore. It could be the night owls that stay up late despite still having to wake early. Poor quality sleep is also associated with using screens late at night. The blue light that is given off by the screens inhibits the production of melatonin, a hormone that is necessary for our sleep and wake cycles. This means that you may be more prone to experience insomnia or difficulty getting to sleep. The foods and drink we consume can also influence sleep quality. The obvious culprits are stimulant drinks, tea, coffee, energy drinks or cola beverages, however high glycemic index foods can also be a problem.

What you can do to improve sleep quality?

Go outside in the fresh air and sunlight and ensure exposure to natural blue light during the production of melatonin. Make a concerted effort to reduce screen time after dark, and if you have to use screens at night invest in blue screen blockers or turn your screen to night-time mode. Avoid stimulant drinks and minimize low glycemic index carbohydrates before bed. The Mediterranean diet is shown to be one the only diets that are actually associated with less rates of insomnia, especially in women. If you are not familiar with the Mediterranean diet, look it up or speak to your local doctor or nutritionist about how to adapt this diet to your lifestyle. The main message is to prioritize your sleep, it is a time of rest and repair for your body. The studies show that good quality sleep of 7-8 hours can help to avoid some of these negative health and diet behaviours associated with weight gain and risk of obesity.

If you are thinking about trying to improve your sleep, remember small changes can make big differences. After years of being woken up throughout the night with young children, I am now really strict on three factors that personally impact my sleep quality;  no my coffee intake after lunch, turning my screens to night mode and setting my alarm so that I get 7-8 hours sleep.

What positive changes could you make to improve your sleep?
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Dr Deborah Lee
2 years ago

Hi Skye, I loved your article. As someone who has never been a good sleeper I need all the help I can get! One other factor that can help is keeping the bedroom cool. The optimum temperature for a good night’s sleep in 16 -19 degrees C. Many people have their bedrooms too hot. It should also not be lower than 10 degrees C.Thought this might be of interest to other readers.

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