Julia Vearncombe joins The Sussex Newspaper

Julia Vearncombe, 51, is the co-founder of skin:genius, a 100% natural, organic, vegan skincare range designed to work naturally with skin troubled by acne, breakouts, excessive oil, flushing and acne rosacea.

A hairdresser and beautician by trade, Julia met many clients who had skincare problems themselves or were parents of teens and pre-teens who were struggling to find effective solutions that were natural and would work with the skin, not against it.  When researching a natural but effective solution for clients, she realised there simply was nothing on the market she could hand-on-heart recommend.

Having spotted this gap in the market for a natural skincare range that could effectively tackle acne and breakouts, Julia approached her homeopath friend Hilery Dorrian. Together they undertook extensive research into the most effective ingredients to tackle the bacteria that contribute to spots and acne. They also sought botanicals that are known to cleanse and calm red and irritated skin. Finally, they wanted to source ingredients that would soften and smooth the skin but, importantly, be non-comedogenic to ensure they didn’t block pores which, in turn, cause blackheads and spots.

Personal significance

skin:genius has a deep and personal significance to Julia.  When she was a teenager, she had ‘bad skin’ and there were very few products available to deal with it.  Back then, people either squeezed or put toothpaste on spots!  Of course, neither option was effective and much of the time Julia just wanted to hide away.  She recalls people staring, whispering, pointing and name-calling and knows only too well the serious impact this can have. Indeed, research shows poor skin can lead to depression, withdrawal, lack of confidence and, in the worst cases lead to suicide.

Setting up the business

A mother to two teenage boys, Julia drew on her experience as a mum as well as a professional skincare expert to create a range that she would be happy for her boys and their friends to use.

skin:genius launched in November 2015, initially targeting the teenage market.  Very quickly, however, Julia discovered many adult men and women were successfully using skin:genius to manage their adult acne, acne rosacea and troublesome skin.  What started as anecdotal stories of mums and dads pinching their kids’ skincare products became a common occurrence.  Julia was also successfully using it herself to manage hormonal upheaval in her skin and in September 2018 took a leap of faith and relaunched the range with new packaging to appeal to the wider audience that enjoys using it.

Time tested ingredients

skin:genius products comprise time-tested natural ingredients that will effectively tackle and prevent the bacteria that cause acne, giving long-lasting results and without side effects. Meanwhile, the active botanical extracts target the hormonal balance and boost the immune system – which is as important for mid-life ladies as it is for teenagers!

The range comprises three products that work with the skin, not against it, to calm, cleanse and soothe.  Packed with anti-bacterial ingredients to tackle the bacteria that commonly cause acne, they help eliminate and prevent spots.  The synergistic behaviour of the natural ingredients actively reduces inflammation and redness while hydrating, calming, soothing and smoothing irritated skin.  They are also rich in anti-oxidants to protect the skin, reduce scarring and leave it feeling vibrant and youthful.

Bright future

Julia has worked tirelessly to bring skin:genius to the attention of consumers which is no small feat in the highly competitive beauty and skincare market where big-budget brands steal the majority of the limelight.

Building a brand from her front room has not been easy.  Challenges have included two big brand attempts to ‘steal’ the skin:genius  name (with the courts awarding Julia), making a big impact with a small budget and keeping her head above water throughout the 2020/2021 pandemic.

Julia remains steadfast and confident.  skin:genius has won 23 awards, acclaim from Kathleen Rogerson, Cosmetic Scientist and Skincare Expert and much praise from customers, many of whom state the products have had a  lifestyle-changing impact. Taking every care to be personal and attentive to her customers’ needs, Julia is currently developing a range to help treat eczema that should launch in the Autumn of 2021.

Like skin:genius, Julia is true, honest and caring: hearing how her products are bringing skin confidence to people of all ages is what drives her to continue and strive to give skin confidence to those with skin conditions

skin:genius is a small business with a bright future.

Julia will be writing a regular column for The Sussex Newspaper starting from next month.
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Dr Deborah Lee
2 years ago

Hi Julia, Good to see you here. Congratluations on your skincare range. I’m interested in your skin products. My daughter has severe acne rosacea. However, I looked at the skin genious products and they contain alcohol. Are any of the products alcohol-free?

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