The Czech’s in the Post?

D.C. head of the Comic Party gave, in one of his House of Commons speeches “No Ifs or Buts” regarding Immigration. Soon there won’t be a British born citizen in the United Kingdom and as one wit has already intimated by sending emails to the effect that Senior Citizens that are suffering with life threatening diseases will never find their way home again. I found this rather disturbing and distasteful and those Senior Citizens are easier to catch to send to some far flung country and Immigrants will be taking over our citizenships. I wonder why these people think that the U.K. is all milk and honey. I suppose the answer is “FREEDOM” that these people have not got in their countries of origin and will never have and I can see what really is the magnet that has drawn these unfortunate people to our country who do not live in a stable environment.

The ravages of WAR leave a nation homeless and the stupid thing about it is the same people of that nation who have radical ideas that by having a war meant freedom for all which is a very peculiar way of earning freedom, especially against your own race. It is a fact that where there is a war – nobody wins.


The Stiff Upper Lip


The stiff upper lip of British people has been thrown out of the window by squabbling and fighting over purchasing bargains. What is the world coming to! Are we supposed to set an example to the rest of the world how well the British act in politeness and etiquette? Have those people no shame? Surely to goodness it is not the end of all civilisation if you don’t get what you want for Christmas just because America has a “BLACK FRIDAY” event and remember all those POOR PEOPLE who don’t have anything. I think the best thing you SHAMELESS PEOPLE should do is to donate the money you saved on buying your trinket to give to the poor and homeless. MAKE THEIR CHRISTMAS SOMETHING SPECIAL!


Comic Relief!


Why do those Millionaires and Billionaires give so generously under the table that in itself is worth £30,000 to sit at, which I understand that both D.C. and a few of his Cabinet Members have been invited to sit at – and these M & B’s have given a million or two to D.C. and his Comic Party, to help him win an Election in May 2015. Is it because he has managed to cut down their Income Tax? Looking after the “BOYS IN THE BAND.”


D.C. has given a promise to the SENIOR CITIZENS that in 2020 if he wins the election all Pensioners will get a £1,000 rise if it’s a share, not really sure could be as much as 2p each. Don’t be surprised you SENIOR CITIZENS that your FREE BUS PASS AND TV LICENCE is STOPPED. Somebody’s got to pay for their holidays abroad at their FREE STAY AT M’s and B’s homes.


It’s funny in a way that when PENSIONER’S get a PROMISE from the GOVERNMENT it is ALWAYS A HEADLINE in the paper as THE TAX-PAYER WILL HAVE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE OVER 65’S INCREMENT – BUT WE PENSIONERS STILL HAVE TO PAY TAXES HOWEVER OLD WE ARE! Those who are about to reach maturity will find out the truth about us who are not as wealthy as D.C. & his Comic Party make out to the general public. Since he’s been in Power, things have got decidedly worse for the Pensioners and if he promises £1,000 for each Pensioner, remember his promise about Immigration – it will never happen – but then again it’s only my opinion! It will be a pleasant surprise if he proves me wrong – mind you some of us might not still be living in 2020. Have you noticed anything that benefits the people of United Kingdom by the Government is always in five years time. Anything taken away, it happened yesterday.


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