Do You Know About Universal Laws?

I did not have feelings most of my life because as a child, I was treated like a Shirley Temple doll. In addition, living in fear stopped my maturity. Later in life, I realized I needed to explore my feelings. I found that people are energy fields and energy moves and vibrates at different levels. I was trapped most my life in the lower vibrations of fear and had no tools to change that. When you observe the Universal Laws and release all negative emotions and behaviors, this changes. Real communications and sharing feelings move energy into higher vibrations of love.

Albert Einstein understood this when he said. “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” Changing my thoughts, words, and actions to function in the universal plan of love would make the difference. The Universal Laws (of love) is a way to access higher feelings. The first law to examine is The Law of Cause and Effect. Being selfish is negative energy and has no power. When my motivation changed to giving from my heart instead of receiving, my life improved.

In my past, I was passing on my fear and insecurity in my family. I thought I was a loving mother and wife, however, after my inner transformation I became fearless, I now extend love to them and that returns. It smooths the path and returns with wonderful feelings. My estranged relationships have mended from continuing this. I believe this has also brought me feelings of financial security, abundance, and self-esteem.

In the popular movie, a few years ago called “The Secret”, they forgot to tell people to change yourself to be what you want to attract. The next law is the “Law of Attraction”. I had been in a disastrous marriage and wanted a loving relationship. I had to release old ideas, beliefs, and fears to attract the love I desired.

Over time, I was changing. Spirituality, honesty, loyalty, honesty, and sincerity became my focus. I gradually began developing into a new person through plenty of meditation work and time. I attended a spiritual study group and found a man who I knew had the inner qualities that attracted my attention. My inner work attracted a successful relationship.

This law also works for abundance and prosperity. My parents lived through the Great Depression and the family mantra was, “We can’t afford that.” Driving home one day on the freeway, I felt an inner feeling of intense abundance and prosperity. That feeling extended to the interior of the car, to the highway, then past the highway to the shoulders of the road and beyond. The energy felt like it extended beyond my vision. This secured my feelings of financial success. Successfully, I had changed the energy from my childhood that had been a huge issue. I felt I was swallowed up in an energy that provided everything I needed.

Nowadays, I attract the right clients that match my expertise. They often appear from word of mouth, the internet, and unknown circumstances. If I have a presence in like-minded organizations, attend compatible events, and have an internet presence they find me. This week a man heard my latest interview on a podcast and contacted me. He lives thousands of miles from me, but thanks to the internet, he was able to speak with me even with a video picture.

The next law is “Like Attracts Like”. This law can bring disastrous or great results. My Cinderella-like growing up attracted people to my life with similar dysfunctional backgrounds. My teaching also attracted dysfunctional classrooms of students. In my printing business, my husband hired employees with similar problems; this was not productive. The additional drama and crisis of our employees distracted our taking care of business.

In recent times, it took a while to find the right publisher for my current books. Now, I have the right fit for me. Today, my life is pleasant, busy, and the workflow is usually smooth. It has been a challenge to pace myself from being a workaholic to a normal rate. My writing and getting books ready is a realistic pace today.

Another universal law is “The Law of Giving and Gratitude”. The energy has to flow. It begins by giving which opens available space for it to return in appropriate forms back to fill that open space. Getting in that flow allows the increase, because the energy expands when released. This brings abundance. When receiving my prosperity, I then offer gratitude and thankfulness for this ample reward and return of success.

Growing up, I was taught to hang on to every penny out of desperation. Now, I write “Thank you, God” on my bank deposits. Over time, this brings more prosperity and success. When I am able to purchase something on sale, I thank God, for the savings. This allows me to help others more. I believe that becoming more generous in my giving to charity, friends in need, and financially helping family when necessary has brought a new level of happiness and prosperity into my life.

The Universal Laws are working for me daily. Life is good!

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