Is joining the Beauty business right for me?

Before starting a business, there are a few things that you need to think about…

Lots of people think business equals money or business equals success, but they don’t see all the hard work that goes into it before it becomes a success. 

So, what do you need to even start a business?


You cannot go into something just because it seems easy, or just because you think it will make you a quick buck. You need to have complete passion and love for what you are doing.

Most of the time, especially at the beginning, you will be researching, working without a salary, and generally investing in your business, which means no income straight away. The passion is what keeps us alive, to keep us pushing to see the end result.


Determination is needed to run any business. The knock-backs, the sleepless nights, the investing, the nos, and those that don’t believe in your business dream are all part of the process. You need to be able to have the determination to keep going forward and proving that you can do this.


You need discipline. Discipline to use your time wisely, which might mean missing out on those late nights with friends. Saying no to going somewhere because you need to get up early, or have a deadline to hit. Discipline is key to propel you to your end goal, to draw you away from procrastination and self-doubt.


Taking risks is what entrepreneurs do. If it was easy everyone would do it! My career in business has been one whole risk, but they are risks that have paid off. Risks need to be thought through,  sound them out with a mentor or someone close to you who can provide objective advice, however ultimately, some risks need to be taken to make the business a success. So, dont be scared to make that jump. 

What about the beauty industry? 

Joining the beauty industry is a lot easier nowadays than what it used to be.

You used to have to go to college and spend 2 to 3 years minimum to come out with qualifications to be able to even start a business, or get a job in a salon. Now you can break down what you would like to do in the industry by taking a more specialized route. For example, narrowing your expertise to lashes, nails, or brows. These treatments can be taught within 2 days with an accredited training provider. The whole reason I started my training Academy was due to the fact that I wasn’t interested in long-term education – I needed to earn whilst studying so couldn’t commit to years of study without a salary. The more people I met, the more I realised this was a common issue. So I created fast-track courses to be able to teach a specific beauty treatment within one to two days. What this led to was creating opportunities for older people, new mothers, those that were in public services but wanted a side hustle, to create a business within an industry that was flexible and less stressful. 

Starting a business within the beauty industry is a fabulous idea for those wanting to work certain hours, days and have flexibility around children or other commitments. Being able to take the qualifications to a beauty salon and work within a business, rent out a room or convert a room in your home, work mobile and visit client homes makes it a very appealing business.

But is the beauty industry right for you?

– You need to be a people person.

You want to do treatments on someone to enhance their natural features and give them confidence. There are many reasons why people have treatments. This includes boosting their confidence, wanting some time out of their busy schedule to relax, they need help on a certain area of the body or face, or simply because they like having treatments done. When it comes to offering beauty treatments, it’s all about your client. Spending the time with them to give them what they want, and making sure they’re happy and will rebook is key. Not just a quick buck to never see that that client again, but you want to be able to make long-lasting regular clients that come time and time again. Thats what will give you a long-lasting clientele and a long-lasting, successful business. 

– You need to be creative. 

A lot of the time in the beauty industry it’s a creative person that joins the business. We have an eye for what looks good, and a natural flair for creativity. For example, for lash extensions, you need a lot of patience to be able to apply them so they’re right for the client but also it’s a lot of intricate detail: styling correctly and having the eye for what is going to suit the client. If you wanted to join the nail industry, there is a lot of putting colours together, applying nail art, coming up with designs, and what’s on-trend that we need to be creative with.

– Being up for continuous education.

Even though nowadays you can learn a treatment in a day, it doesn’t mean this is where your education stops. In the beauty industry, trends are changing all the time. New techniques are continuously coming out and we always have to keep up to date, rather than falling behind. Keeping up with new innovations and trends and staying current will help you retain your existing clientele and gain new clients.

I hope this article helps you decide if starting a business or starting a business in the beauty industry is right for you. 

Katie Godfrey is the powerhouse behind the KG brand, single-handedly building her empire from a single salon bought aged 19 as a school leaver with no qualifications, to a chain of salons, a UK-wide beauty training academy, an eyelash product range and a salon coaching business. 

Find out more about KG Professional 

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