Magic Little Pill

Are you looking for that “Magic Little Pill”? The one that will provide all of the answers & results without any work? I open Facebook, LinkedIn, good ol’ internet explorer and seem to be surrounded by ads for these so called instant fixes in business & personal life. JUST do this 1 little tiny thing and you will be the best leader EVER, or implement this 1 little thing in your business and you’ll make trillions of dollars! We try one, then move quickly onto the next, completely blaming the ‘1 little tiny thing’ or us (lazy, not suitable, not worthy), still in search of an answer.

Perhaps you prefer to work on course after course – there are truly some awesome courses/programs out there – but how many do you do before you start implementing the ideas & learnings? Stop looking for that magic fix and implement what you know?

When in our busy lives and schedules did we decide that we need to be in search of something to ‘fix’ us? When did we forget that we are capable, that we have our own answers, that by sometimes just slowing down, looking within and being clear & aware, we can be our own magic little pill.

Our little pill; our answers come with working on our mindset. When we start to build up our confidence and really understand what we are saying to ourselves, what will instil belief in us & when we learn to focus ‘internally’, we start to allow the natural leader within us to come out, to shine. Leaders of ourselves. Of course, of teams or businesses too, but it starts with us.

There is some work involved, don’t get me wrong, however once we learn to build our own internal skill sets, we can draw on them again and again, gaining support where necessary, but not expecting to find an instant fix because no situation is the same & it is often not a “one-size-fits-all” approach.

To get you started, I have included some questions to get your mindset in working order & start to build on confidence levels!
1. What are 5 words to describe you?
2. If you could travel back in time 8 years, and give yourself advice for this very moment, what would it be?
3. How would you change the world if you could?
4. What is one thing people always come to you for?
Finding & knowing we can find our own answers is an amazing life & business skill to have. Imagine that.



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