The Dating Game

Focusing On Self First – Part II

Hello and Happy Summer!

Yes, Spring has sprung, bringing with it and shooting forth the delights of summer, sun and sand.  There we are reorganizing closets, spiffing up the house, and considering a slight make-over.  This is good because if we’re going to present a fabulous package to the world, we surely want it to be the whole package.  A focused package.  A totally together package.  But most importantly, a package that can appreciate the value of self.

Just to get a little serious here for a moment, I’d like to reiterate a point or two from some of my previous columns.  We talked about understanding the delicate balance of focusing on self first and still being able to keep kindness and consideration for others a part of that happy little bubble.  But you must remember that you can run the risk of being too kind or too considerate or too generous.  This type of behavior can be extraordinarily destructive not only to you, personally, but can create havoc within the lines of your career or your business.

I don’t think there’s a person out there who hasn’t put themselves on the line for someone else and discovered that it was all for naught.  Either that person didn’t appreciate you for what you did or they simply walked away from the relationship after you’d invested your time, energy, emotions, and sometimes, your money.  This is where the delicate balance comes into play.

If you are the kind of human being that the good Lord created us to be, sometimes the focus on you can be a difficult process.  But you must remember that you have everything at stake here because we’re talking about your future and your level of success in that future.  So, we must be kind and considerate, but we must also know that we need to take care of ourselves and take care of our futures.  We must keep that delicate balance by keeping a straight line towards that future and that success.  No deviation.  No curves.  No forks in the road.  No letting someone else throw us a curve ball!

It CAN be done.  There are thousands, millions, gazillions of people out there that are living a successful life while experiencing extremely successful relationships or marriages.  Some are even just doing the dating scene, but this is primarily to keep their focus on their goals.  The more serious stuff comes later when they feel they are at a level that they, themselves, can consider “mission accomplished” in terms of career and can now spend a little more quality time in developing a relationship.

Always remember that through trouble and toil, you are a magnificent human being and are worthy of all the delights of this planet.  Of this Universe!  You must realize that you have much to offer, much to give, and your extraordinary talents are working their way to the surface.  Oh yes, my friend, you are jam-packed with the most delightful abilities.  It is your job to open the portals and let them out.  And guess what?  Voila!  There you are.  That magnificent human being I keep telling you about!  The result of your focus and your ability to balance it all is what we strive for.  But stay on guard and don’t let anyone pull you off track.

Put a little sign on your frijjer frater that says, “Me Me Me.”  Underneath that sign make another one that says, “You You You.”  Under that, put one that says, “Me You Me You.”  Get the point?  If you focus right, you will eventually be able to combine the two and do it very, very fabulously!

People spend thousands of dollars seeing therapists to convince them of their own self worth, but if you get it from the very beginning, nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can destroy that.  I always tell my single friends, if you don’t think you’re worthy, you will be treated as such.  But if you think like me, you will be treated like the King or Queen of the Universe!   A very worthy goal if I do say so myself.

Next time . . . . R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

Yours Forever,

Sande D.

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