Meditation – the route to your inner truth

Do you listen to your intuition, trust in it and follow its guidance?

Everything that you will ever need you hold within you. Are you comfortable with this or are you constantly seeking advice and opinions from others?

My path to really understanding the meaning of my inner truth has come from my journey through meditation which has helped me in so many ways. The most significant result has been learning to love, trust and appreciate myself.

The word ‘meditation’ comes from the Latin word ‘meditari’ which means to reflect, think, and contemplate. With its roots in Taoism and Buddhism, meditation is one of the most ancient and largely used techniques for finding greater mental and emotional stability.

There are extensive benefits to meditation that are well documented, including reducing stress and anxiety, promoting productivity, decision making and creativity, enabling better sleep, and developing emotional and physical wellbeing.

Meditation is not so much about shutting out thoughts and emotions but becoming more aware of them, listening to them and observing them without judgement or expectations.

When you begin to experience a quieter mind, negative thoughts will no longer occupy you in the same way as they did. You will begin to see situations and issues not as problems but as possibilities and opportunities. You may start to notice that you are much more aware of your feelings and emotions towards situations, circumstances or people. However, you may not always understand what you are feeling, neither will you necessarily have to know all the answers straight away. This is when trusting in your intuition will be put to the test.

When we are unaccustomed to trusting in our own thoughts and feelings we turn to others for advice, maybe even hoping that they will make decisions for us. Talking things through with family and friends can help us to navigate our way through moments in time when we are finding it hard to make decisions and choices. As helpful and reassuring as this can be, we should also practice trusting in our feelings and looking within ourselves for guidance.

Everything that we will ever need we hold within us, it is simply a case of listening, observing, and trusting. Our thoughts and feelings are our intuition guiding us, and they will only ever tell us truths. By practising meditation, in whichever shape or form this takes for you, our self-awareness increases. Be kind to yourself, practice patience, treat yourself with the kindness and compassion that you would to a loved one. Self-care and self-love are a priority, not a luxury.

I would love to hear your experience of meditation, has it brought you insights or helped you through difficult times? Also, what is your favourite way to meditate, on the move or in stillness?

Thank you for reading my article, I hope that you have found it interesting and helpful. Please do post a comment or any questions that you may have.

Karen Eccles, founder of Pilates From Within, has been teaching Pilates for over a decade; specialising in classical Pilates since 2012. 

From her classically equipped studio in Haslemere, Karen offers tailored Pilates training solutions.

She has trained hundreds of clients on their journey to improved health and wellbeing through a combination of Pilates practice, Energy and Sound Healing; a unique blend of practices that alleviates physical symptoms resets emotions and brings equilibrium and a sense of wellbeing.

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