Red, White and Blue are my digits you know? February is Raynaud’s Awareness month

Do your fingers get frozen quickly? Do you find you have to warn people before they offer to shake your hands. Are your feet like blocks of ice? Are they painful and tingly?

 Jane Green MBE Chair of

You might not of heard of the actual name for these symptoms but this could be Raynaud’s Phenomenon. If you have certain health conditions like Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS) or Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD) which are connective tissue disorders, or as often not formally diagnosed the term used is symptomatic hypermobility, these may seem very familiar symptoms to you.   There are also associated conditions to EDS and HSD like Postural Tachycardia (POTS) fibromyalgia, IBS or  M.E/Chronic Fatigue syndrome which can co-occur with Raynaud’s Phenomenon.   Primary Raynaud’s occurs without an underlying condition or disease . We find Raynaud’s phenomenon often occurs with our members at  due to the other previous diagnoses or conditions mentioned before.   Raynaud’s Phenomenon can often be more severe and it is commonly found to run in families so whole families might think it is just their ‘normal’ for them.

Cold temperatures are key, but also some think that Raynaud’s Phenomenon might be related to stress or anxiety either within the person or the environment, hormones and/or medications. This may be because the blood vessels narrow and spasm, stopping blood flow to fingers or toes and it can affect the ears and nose ! It can also be an underlying issue with other autoimmune diseases like Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis or scleroderma. Some of our members may also have crossovers with autoimmune conditions. If you want to know more do follow us.

Tips: What to do?

*Warmth- gloves/heated blocks

* Movement /wiggling of digits, toes, wearing a hat.

*Check vitamins D3, check levels for B complex and iron

*Be aware of stress levels

*Avoid caffeine, smoking/vaping and alcohol

*Possibly improve nutrition- add ginger, turmeric or beetroot (we are not dietitians)

However SEDSConnective has seen research saying a glass of red wine may help ! We are assuming this is because the alcohol might relax the blood vessels and the blood might flow better !

(We’re not medical) 

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3 months ago

Hoorah! At last an excuse for a cheeky glass of rouge! 🍷Seriously though…Raynaud’s is extremely painful and this article has lots of helpful tips. I suffer as a result of my medication for a heart condition. Thanks for sharing.

3 months ago

Thank you for raising awareness about the Raynaud’s phenomenon. I’ve had cold hands, feet and nose for years along with ME/IBS and never associated the two things together. My youngest also has Raynaud’s – mainly in the hands, so it shows it can run in families.

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