Summer Skin, Expert Secrets To Give You That Natural Glow!

Our Skincare Expert & Aesthetics Practitioner Amish Patel shares his tips for achieving glowing skin this summer.


With foreign holidays off the agenda for most, our clients are keen to capture that refreshed, post-holiday glow without the plane journey.

Drink Up

Sipping cocktails by the pool might sound like heaven to you, but for your skin’s sake, limit your alcohol consumption. Alcohol can leave you dehydrated, which means that your skin dries out and looks less elastic. Alcohol also interrupts our natural sleep patterns, and losing sleep will also impact your skin’s appearance.

We all love a tipple or two but make sure you keep your skin and body hydrated by drinking plenty of water with alcohol and drink water at the end of an evening meal.

Cheat It

There are so many fantastic fake tan brands out there now that will give you a beautiful natural sunkissed glow. There is no need to sit and fry your skin in the sun!

Going make-up free on holiday gives your skin a chance to breathe. There is no reason why you can’t do the same at home. Having great skin gives you the confidence to go make-up free.

Reviewing your skincare routine should always be done seasonally. For example, during the winter months, your skin may require a heavier, thicker moisturiser to cope with the extreme temperature changes between artificial heating and the outside.

In summer, those radical temperature changes are no longer there. However, your skin will still need a moisturiser to counterbalance the drying effect of those warmer temperatures so swapping your cream for a quality serum is worth looking into.

We offer complimentary skincare virtual consultations to help advise you on the best skincare routine for you with the opportunity to purchase some of my favourite professional skincare products from our online store.

Exfoliating your skin regularly can also give you a gorgeous natural glow as you remove dead skin cells to reveal brighter, fresher looking skin.

woman wearing a hat to protect face from sun damage

Cover Up

Sitting in the sun will prematurely age your skin and increase your risk of developing issues such as age spots,  hyperpigmentation, dry skin and even skin cancer. Limit your time in the sun, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun during 11 am – 3 pm, wear a sun hat and a high sun factor at all times. We recommend that our clients wear sun factor all year round, even during the winter months, when UV rays can still be intense and damaging.

Sugar & Sweet

Sugary cocktails and ice-creams are OK in moderation. However, every time you eat sugar, it creates a natural chemical reaction called Glycation which affects your collagen and elastin, the elements of your skin which help it retain that ‘springy’ youthful appearance. Counteract the bad with the good and adopt a Mediterranean holiday diet.  Fill your kitchen with plenty of fresh produce with a focus on skin-boosting ingredients such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, red and yellow bell peppers, oily fish, oranges and papaya, to name just a few and eat your way to beautiful skin!

What’s Your Favourite Summer Skincare Tip?  




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3 years ago

Super article with some great tips, thanks for sharing!

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