The Power of Being: Your Results Are a Reflection of How You’re Feeling Inside

In a world that constantly emphasises the importance of doing and achieving, it’s easy to overlook the crucial role that our emotions and mindset play in our overall success. 

I absolutely believe that the true source of our results lies in our being, rather than our doing. In this article, we will delve deeper into this concept and explore how our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs shape our reality.

Understanding the Law of Attraction

According to the Law of Attraction, our thoughts and feelings have a direct impact on the outcomes we experience in our lives. If we consistently focus on negative thoughts and emotions like frustration, overwhelm, and stress, we attract more situations and experiences that align with those feelings. On the other hand, when we cultivate positive emotions such as joy, abundance, and happiness, we draw in more of the same.

Our physical reality serves as a tangible feedback mechanism that reflects our internal state. If we find ourselves surrounded by negative circumstances, it’s a sign that we need to examine and adjust our emotional well-being. By becoming aware of our feelings and consciously choosing to shift them towards more positive emotions, we can transform the outcomes we manifest.

The Power of Beliefs

Our beliefs shape our reality. From a young age, we form beliefs and filters through which we perceive the world. Deep-seated beliefs often revolve around the notion that success requires hard work, long hours, and exhausting effort. These beliefs can lead to stress, burnout, and overwhelm, ultimately manifesting unfavourable results.

It’s time to challenge these traditional beliefs and flip the script. Instead of placing emphasis on the actions and tasks we need to complete, we can choose to focus on cultivating the right mindset and emotional state. By shifting our belief system to one that aligns with ease, flow, and abundance, we foster inspired actions and create results that are in harmony with our true desires.

Applying the Concept to Visibility and Success

The principle of being, rather than doing, applies to various aspects of our lives, including visibility and success. Many entrepreneurial women feel the pressure to constantly hustle and grind, believing that hard work equates to success. However, by prioritising our inner confidence, well-being, and alignment with our true passions, we can create a healthier, happier, and more prosperous life.

Taking action is still essential on our path to success but understanding the role of inspired action is crucial. Inspired action stems from our emotional state and alignment with our desires, making it more effective and fulfilling. By focusing on being in a positive and aligned state, we attract opportunities, collaborations, and resources that resonate with our intentions.

Self Awareness is Key

I’d like to share with you my personal struggles with falling into the trap of overdoing. It’s something I’ve wrestled with, and I want to emphasise the importance of self-awareness in this journey. As I reflect on my own experiences, I can’t help but encourage you to do the same – to look at the way you approach tasks and see if it truly aligns with your desired feelings and outcomes.

For me, I realised that I needed to break free from my old patterns.

Overworking literally broke my heart. 

It left me on an operating table, having heart surgery, scared for my life.

But still, I kept working hard because I felt it was the only way to prove my worth.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, thinking that we need to do more and more to be successful. But the truth is, success isn’t just about doing; it’s about being.

I’ve come to understand that success can mean different things to different people, but for me, it means aligning with joy, abundance, and confidence. It’s about consciously choosing a state of being that resonates with these feelings. It’s about finding a balance between achieving our goals and maintaining our well-being.

If you’d like to discover the first 7 steps I share with my clients to help them to be authentically visible using their Human Design, download your free Illuminate From Within eBook now

About Abigail Rebecca.

Abigail Rebecca, The Visibility Goddess, is a Human Design Visibility Mentor, International Speaker and Thought Leader on Aquarian Age femme leadership.

Based on 28 years experience of coaching and mentoring thousands of women leaders in Fortune 500 companies and in her successful coaching business, she’s created the tried and trusted Illuminate Method™. It helps you align your biz strategy to your unique Human Design, to Create Extraordinary Success With Ease.


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