Lorna Ive joins the team at The Sussex Newspaper

I am  Lorna Ive, Menopause Specialist, Women’s health Advocate, Founder, ChangeMaker and Social Media Strategist. A…

Gone But Not Forgotten: Street Cat Bob

You might think me mad, but I’m not embarrassed to admit that, having spent many years…

To Care, or Not to Care?: Have We Been Forced To Abandon Our Elderly?

I was reading an article this week about how care home visiting has evolved throughout the…

June 2021: Re-opening pains

So… I was hoping to write this month’s post about a return to normality with all…

Answers From Inside

I was told, “Growing up is not for sissies.” My journey into wakefulness has not been…

How To Find Your Tribe And Improve Your Performance

Tribes can move mountains of any size For thousands of years, mankind has lived in communities.…

5 Reasons to exercise early in the morning!

With British Summertime seemingly in full force (and long may it continue), we have found that…

Follow the PYO Signs This June You May Be Surprised What Begins To Grow

June always conjures up images of punnets, fruit bursting from the vine ripe to the pick,…