Follow the PYO Signs This June You May Be Surprised What Begins To Grow

June always conjures up images of punnets, fruit bursting from the vine ripe to the pick, and Nana’s pavlova plentiful with red berries…

I also get vivid memories of laughing through the labor of love, picking our own (PYO) fruit, and the delicious joys of popping in the occasional strawberry and raspberry to quench the thirst in the summer Sussex sun.

What image does June conjure up for you?

I love the idea of harvesting and growing our own food as it enables us as humans to spend time cultivating with nature. Finding some time out of the schedule to learn a new skill. And also plant seeds of patience.

Planting and watching a seed grow is one thing. But when it comes to homegrown produce, I’m more interested in the process that comes before popping the seed into the earth to watch it grow. I’m fascinated in fact, by the motivation birthed from the decision to have a go.

Positive Yearnings Only 

I admire anyone who grows their own crops. I admire them for 3 reasons: 

  1. Curiosity – They have had a yearning to create something from nothing 
  2. Process – They take the time to process and dedicate themselves to educating the why’s how’s and what’s they want to grow – this stage actually begins to activate self-growth too! 
  3. Activation – They feel inspired by their findings and also they start to feel really happy and satisfied that they spent the time researching and are now activated into action to take the next steps.

Whether it is a simple step to grow herbs in your kitchen to salad on your patio. Or indulge in the glory of someone else’s green finger intuitive. Every little helps right? We are supporting each other. To support sustainability within our own microbiomes. 

This is why I admire people who take the pre-steps to be a homegrown food connoisseur and if you are thinking but I am no good at gardening then I ask you to chew on this idea for a moment… 

Most recently I visited a permaculture farm near my home in Spain called Finca La Gloria. Cultivated by an architect this highly functioning design uses the natural cycles of the seasons and innovative water system to create the perfect growing conditions for the fruit and veg to grow. I was so blown away by the ingenuity of this project and the care they had for educating people to better health. 

I signed up for one of their weekly delivery boxes!

I felt so activated by the natural goodness and quality of the food it made me realise how important it is to consciously be aware of the source chain of our food. The fewer steps it took to get your mouth the better! Plus I feel so good inside when I know exactly where my food is being sourced.

Over the months we have together here in The Soul Fulled Living column I will talk more about sustainability and the quality of products we choose to put and use into our bodies as it does have an impact on both our physical and energetic bodies. 

Consuming these beautiful homegrown boxes then provoked a chain reaction that triggered my curiosity which led me to grow something of my own. On a trip to the nursery last month I purchased a strawberry plant. So far I have harvested, and ate! One strawberry!

From little seeds a mighty trunk may grow

 For now, I am going to keep watering my strawberry plant and enjoy the pleasure I have been receiving from this simple ritual. Here are 3 simple rituals to share with you this month to make life that little bit simpler…

3 simple rituals to plant seeds to grow more energy 

  1. If you are wanting to achieve a goal: For example, the June air is stirring a desire to go for a run. But you are feeling stodgy, apprehensive even, as you haven’t run for a long time. Simple solution – get your running shoes and pop them by the front door – each time you leave your home they are there to remind you that you are one simple step away from popping them on and enjoying a nice jog outside in the fresh air to invigorate and replenish you.
  2. What is cluttering your cupboards -Go into a kitchen cupboard and go get out that utensil which has been abandoned for so long. Now, look at it! Ask yourself can this make my life easier? Or is it a gimmick that I brought into? If the answer is yes to number 1 then use it to find a recipe and simplify your life – spiralizer is coming to mind here! If the answer is no donate it give it a new home and make someone else’s life simpler – how nice is that. 
  3. Stand on your two feet – place your hands gently over your eyes – enjoy the gentle cocoon of blackness created and then breathe in 3 times breath in for 3 counts and out for 6 counts – feel your feet firmly on the ground, terra firma, Pachamama. Now walk forward 10 steps feeling more grounded and connected back to the magnetic properties of the earth – helping you to have more energy for the day or task ahead. 

Until next month readers from this Sussex Lass now residing in Spain have a great month. Do tell me! What appears for you if you do choose to follow that PYO sign this June! Feel free to comment below and share any thoughts from this article too – it would be so nice to get to know you better.

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Sue Kettlewell
Sue Kettlewell
2 years ago

What a great article Natalie . Look forward to the next.

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