Hormonal Journey of a Mumpreneur – It is never too late to learn new skills!

Lorna Ive 


 Journey of a hormonal mumpreneur



As a midlife woman entering perimenopause and menopause, our confidence can take a big hit and we can easily talk ourselves out of pushing ourselves forward to try new things. 


We have all been there and when it strikes it can really plunge you into this mindset.


Have you turned against this and pushed yourself out of your comfort zone, what did you do to regain your confidence? 


What have you talked yourself out of doing that was for yourself? 


How did this make you feel? 


I can resonate with this when I was in the throes of the hormonal highway, I was not aware I was perimenopausal and had this sudden sense of low confidence. I knew I had to and wanted to retrain but did not know where to start, having been a stay at home mum. 

My early career was working in the City of London in finance, the whole world had gone digital and I had bypassed this era. 


During this stage of life for a woman, it can become very easy to tell yourself that you are too old, that your skills are not current and add in the symptoms of menopause. 

You also feel that society sees menopausal women of a certain age as not employable or to be invisible. This narrative is changing, organisations and the advertising world is recognising that women of midlife do have a lot to offer and are in fact a group that is the current biggest consumer group. 


So Where did I start and how did I get here? 


I am proud to say that I am a Digital Mum Graduate.  I took the plunge and retrained with Digital Mums and it was honestly the best decision I have ever made! I have learnt so much and much more than I ever expected! 


I trained as a social media strategist. I have not looked back and I urge you, if you are on the fence, to retrain. If I can do it at the age of forty something, you can too.




You will gain a sense of new confidence, direction, purpose, independent financial freedom and you’ll be updating your skill set. 


During the pandemic digital and e-commerce has exploded, making it now a great time for women to get involved and work in this field or to set up in business.


As a post menopausal woman I can honestly say I have become more confident in a sense of I can do this. A surge of power and a sense of wanting to create a financial safety net as we are working and retiring to a much older age with the current retirement age of 66 years old. 


I also want to be a strong role model to my children and future grandchildren so that as older women we can continue to have a career and to be a part of society. I feel it is good for self esteem, self confidence and social mobility. 


If a woman feels valued and supported within society at midlife, will be a trustworthy employee, offering a valuable skill set and experience thus more productivity within the workplace.


 Lorna’s top tips for taking those first steps towards up skilling;



  • Research your skill set – what are you good at and what do you enjoy? 
  • What interests you?
  • Google free training skills, check out Google Digital Garage it is a great place to start.
  • Large corporate organisations are offering incentives for women returning to the workplace
  • Set up a Linkedin page and put together an eye-catching profile. Stand out from the rest with a good image, up to date bio and put in as much information about your career. Start connecting and keep an eye out for events and training.
  • If you want to set up your own online business, JUST DO IT! 
  • Swap skills in exchange for your learning and development with friends, family or colleagues.  


I have recently taken part in accredited learning within the world of advertising and it has reignited my passion for Social Media. It has enhanced my learning and confidence and given me a new outlook on my career.

Menopause News Alert!

You may have seen the recent news that HRT costs have now been successfully reduced! 

This is part of campaigning from many grass root menopause campaigns such as my campaign perimenopost.com and the work of Carolyn Harris MP #MenopauseRevolution

We share a passion for  HRT to be free across the UK so all have access to treatment. To have support within the workplace as mandatory. It was a huge step for menopause for all generations of women, current and future. 

Such a triumphant and exhilarating day to meet fellow Menopause warriors who have all worked tirelessly and who are dedicated to helping women through the stages of menopause.

You may have even spotted your Hormonal Mumpreneur on the BBC, ITV news that day! 

Head on over to my Social Media channels to see the action of the day and my interview!

It was a day filled with emotions, that my and others’ work has been recognised and that it will help women experiencing menopause for the better. I felt an immense sense of pride and also overwhelmed at how a group of amazing women all having had experiences of their own, have come together to bring about much needed change. 

Demystifying the stages of menopause and working together! Women working together is a powerful thing and one I am privileged to be a part of


(IP/Lorna Ive / 6/11/21)

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